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defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'No script kiddies please!' );
// we may need a http proxy for the fetch. Should be set from the admin page.
// define ('http_proxy', '');
// we'll set this as category => proxy, link => link, active => 0;
// in the admin page, all entries will be displayed with a checkbox for activating, deactivating, deleting.
* The worker gets called by the WP scheduler hourly.
* POST: simulates or performs a real POST.
* @since 0.1.0
function gcal_import_worker()
error_log ("gcal_import_worker started", 0);
error_log ("und wieder raus.");
return (0);
* retrieve the proxy from the db, and if it exists, construct a context.
* http://ubuntu1804/site/wp-admin/post.php?post=128&action=edit
* vi +809 ./wp-admin/includes/post.php function wp_write_post()
global $wpdb;
$table = $wpdb->prefix.GCAL_TABLE;
$categories = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT gcal_category, gcal_link from $table WHERE gcal_active = '1'");
if ($wpdb->num_rows == 0) {
error_log ("keine Einträge in $wpdb->prefix.GCAL_TABLE gefunden.");
return (0);
$file = dirname (__FILE__) . '/categories.txt';
file_put_contents ($file, var_export ($categories, TRUE));
foreach ( $categories as $category) {
error_log ("found category $category->gcal_category");
$table = $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta';
$post_ids = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_id FROM $table WHERE
meta_key = '_gcal_category' AND meta_value = '$category->gcal_category'");
$options = get_option('gcal_options');
$file = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/options.txt';
file_put_contents ($file, var_export($options, TRUE));
$terms = get_terms( array(
'taxonomy' => 'termine_type',
'hide_empty' => false, )
foreach($terms as $term){
$unique_id = 'gcal_feed_' . $term->name;
error_log ("found event category $unique_id");
if ( empty ( $options[$unique_id] ) || $options[$unique_id] == '' ) {
error_log ( "event category $term->name is not set; next");
// die Terminposts sind in postmeta:_gcal_category markiert:
/* $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta';
$post_ids = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_id FROM $table WHERE
meta_key = '_gcal_category' AND meta_value = '$unique_id'");
$term_id = $term->term_id ;
$post_ids = get_objects_in_term( $term_id, 'termine_type', $args );
foreach ($post_ids as $post_id) {
error_log ("trashing post_id $post_id");
wp_trash_post($post_id); // should we DELETE here?
// die ganze Lösch-Logik ist Mist, weil immer wieder die gleichen termine gelöscht und neu angelegt werden, was Last auf WP bringt.
// besser: wir merken uns je Kalendereintrag in postmeta die Google-UID und ein Flag "recent".
// - zu Beginn eines Update-Laufs werden die recent aller Google-UIDs auf false gesetzt.
// - wenn ein Eintrag schon existiert und die ICS-Version neuer ist als zeitstempel: nur updaten
// - wenn UID noch nicht existiert, Termin neu anlegen
// - in beiden Fällen recent = true setzen.
// - am Ende alle Google-UID mit recent==false löschen. Die kamen im ICS-Feed nicht mehr vor.
// d.h. wir merken uns in postmeta zusätzlich die _gcal_uid und _gcal_recent.
// TODO: alle Posts der Kategorie suchen, die eine UID haben, und deren _recent auf false setzen.
// jetzt die neuen Posts anlegen
$link = $options[$unique_id];
error_log ("now importing event cat $term->name, link $link");
gcal_import_do_import($term->name, $link);
// TODO: alle Posts mit der Kategorie, die eine UID haben und recent=false, löschen.
error_log ("gcal_import_worker finished", 0);
add_action( 'gcal_import_worker_hook', 'gcal_import_worker' );
function gcal_import_geocity($location) {
// Wenn die Adresse im Feld Stadt steht, wird sie richtig angezeigt, ergo:
return ($location);
function gcal_import_geoshow($location) {
// later
return '';
// TODO: den ganzen Geo-Kram in separate Datei auslagern.
function gcal_import_geocode($location) {
$options = get_option('gcal_options');
switch ( $options['gcal_geocoding'] ) {
case "official" :
return gcal_import_geocode_official($location);
case "inofficial" :
return gcal_import_geocode_inofficial($location);
case "osm" :
return gcal_import_geocode_osm($location);
return array ('','');
function gcal_import_geocode_official($location) {
return array ('','');
function gcal_import_geocode_osm($location) {
return array ('','');
function gcal_import_geocode_inofficial($location) {
error_log ("entering gcal_import_geocode_inofficial($location)");
// we try to cache results as we will need many times the same results especially for recurring events.
// we will use a hash for the location because the hash has a fixed length, while the location has not.
// This table will grow indefinitely over time, so we need to add a timestamp field and remove
// entries that are older than, say, 30 days each time.
// this will also cope with Google subtly changing location strings in Maps over time.
// new entries will thus replace outdated ones over time.
global $wpdb;
$table = $wpdb->prefix.GCAL_GEO_TABLE;
// CREATE table if it does not exist already.
$query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table (
gcal_geo_hash VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
gcal_geo_lat VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
gcal_geo_lon VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
gcal_geo_timestamp DATETIME NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY id (id)
$hash = hash ('md5', $location);
$query = "SELECT gcal_geo_lat, gcal_geo_lon FROM $table WHERE gcal_geo_hash = '$hash'";
error_log ("gcal_import_geocode looking up hash $hash location $location");
error_log ("query: $query");
$result = $wpdb->get_row( $query, ARRAY_N );
$file = dirname (__FILE__) . "/$hash-lookup-result.txt";
file_put_contents ($file, var_export ($result, TRUE));
if ( $wpdb->num_rows == 1 ) { // it should only be a single row!
error_log ("gcal_import_geocode found hash $hash lat $result[0] lon $result[1]");
return ($result);
} else {
// do the housekeeping first, before we create a new caching entry.
$outdated = time() - 2592000; // 30 Tage
$query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE gcal_geo_timestamp < $outdated";
$attempts = 0;
$success = false;
// we'll need to be easy with GMaps in order no to get a 429 Too Many Requests.
// max 3 retries with 2 second pauses, else we give up.
while ($success == false && $attempts < 3) {
// @ = 'ignore_errors' => TRUE
$url = "" . urlencode ($location);
// we use wp-remote.* instead of file_get_contents because it does many high level things e.g. redirects
$response = wp_remote_get($url);
$result = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
$http_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response);
if (200 == $http_code) {
$success = true;
} elseif (429 == $http_code) {
error_log ("got $attempts HTTP 429 Too Many Requests on $url");
} else {
error_log ("Ärgerlicher HTTP Fehler $http_code");
return array (' ', ' ');
// ok so $result seems to be valid.
$file = dirname (__FILE__) . "/$hash-result.html";
file_put_contents ($file, $result);
// and now we need to look for:
$pattern = '[^/]+/@([\d\.]+),([\d\.]+),.*#';
preg_match ($pattern, $result, $matches);
$file = dirname (__FILE__) . "/$hash-matches.html";
file_put_contents ($file, var_export ($matches, TRUE));
error_log ("gcal_import_geocode geocoded lat=$matches[1] lon=$matches[2] for hash $hash");
// do the caching now, but only if both values are set.
// $wpdb_insert does all the sanitizing for us.
if ($matches[1] != "" && $matches[2] != "") {
$wpdb->insert($table, array(
'gcal_geo_location' => substr( $location, 0, 128 ),
'gcal_geo_hash' => $hash,
'gcal_geo_lat' => $matches[1],
'gcal_geo_lon' => $matches[2],
'gcal_geo_timestamp' => time(),
// error handling?
// and return the result:
return array ($matches[1], $matches[2]);
function gcal_import_do_import($category, $link) {
error_log ("entering gcal_import_do_import($category, $link)");
require_once dirname (__FILE__) . '/icalparser/src/IcalParser.php';
require_once dirname (__FILE__) . '/icalparser/src/Recurrence.php';
require_once dirname (__FILE__) . '/icalparser/src/Freq.php';
require_once dirname (__FILE__) . '/icalparser/src/WindowsTimezones.php';
$cal = new \om\IcalParser();
$results = $cal->parseFile($link);
// TODO: Fehlerbehandlung, wenn der Link kaputt ist. Muss graceful passieren.
$file = dirname (__FILE__) . "/cal-$category-parsed.txt";
file_put_contents ($file, var_export($results, TRUE));
// we must set a current user because we may not be logged in.
$user_id = 1;
$user = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id );
if( $user ) {
wp_set_current_user( $user_id, $user->user_login );
wp_set_auth_cookie( $user_id );
foreach ($cal->getSortedEvents() as $r) {
// wenn DTEND in der Vergangenheit liegt, nicht mehr posten. Next.
$now = new DateTime();
// $dtend = new DateTime($r['DTEND']);
$summary = $r['SUMMARY'];
$dtstart = $r['DTSTART']->format('d.m.Y H:i');
if ($r['DTEND'] < $now) {
error_log ("not posting expired event $summary on $dtstart");
} else {
error_log ("processing $summary on $dtstart");
// The zeitstempel. No idea what it's for, but kal3000 seems to use it.
$wpc_from = $r['DTSTART']->format('d.m.Y H:i');
// code borrowed from kal3000_termine_save_postdata which will not be invoked.
$zeitstempel = strftime( strToTime( $wpc_from ) );
if(!$zeitstempel) {
// strftime doesn't seem to work, so let's get creative
preg_match("/([0-9]{1,2}).\s(\w{1,})\s([0-9]{4})\s([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/", $wpc_from, $zeitstempel);
$month_number = "";
if(strtolower(date_i18n("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 0))) == strtolower($zeitstempel[2])){
$month_number = $i;
$zeit = mktime($zeitstempel[4], $zeitstempel[5], 0, $month_number, $zeitstempel[1], $zeitstempel[3]);
$zeitstempel = date_i18n('U', $zeit);
// geocoden
$location = urldecode ($r['LOCATION']);
error_log ("invoking gcal_import_geocode for $location");
$my_latlon = gcal_import_geocode($location);
// create a default form
// $post = get_default_post_to_edit ('termine', false);
$post_type = 'termine';
// why can't I simply call get_default_post_to_edit? This gives an undefined function error!
$post = new stdClass;
$post->ID = 0;
$post->post_author = '';
$post->post_date = '';
$post->post_date_gmt = '';
$post->post_password = '';
$post->post_name = '';
$post->post_type = $post_type;
$post->post_status = 'draft';
$post->to_ping = '';
$post->pinged = '';
$post->comment_status = get_default_comment_status( $post_type );
$post->ping_status = get_default_comment_status( $post_type, 'pingback' );
$post->post_pingback = get_option( 'default_pingback_flag' );
$post->post_category = get_option( 'default_category' );
$post->page_template = 'default';
$post->post_parent = 0;
$post->menu_order = 0;
$post = new WP_Post( $post );
$post->post_content = apply_filters( 'default_content', $post_content, $post );
$post->post_title = apply_filters( 'default_title', $post_title, $post );
$post->post_excerpt = apply_filters( 'default_excerpt', $post_excerpt, $post );
$file = dirname (__FILE__) . '/' . 'post-defaults.txt';
file_put_contents ( $file, var_export ($post, TRUE) );
// TODO:
if ( isset($r['ATTACH']) ) {
// create image attachment and associate with new post
$attach = $r['ATTACH'];
$summary = $r['SUMMARY'];
error_log ("gcal_import_do_import found attachment $attach for $summary");
// and fill in the post form
$post->post_author = '1';
$post->post_content = $r['DESCRIPTION'];
$post->post_title = $r['SUMMARY'];
// create an excerpt for the overview page ([wpcalendar kat=...])
if (strlen ($r['DESCRIPTION']) > 160) {
$post->post_excerpt = substr ($r['DESCRIPTION'], 0, 160) . ' ...'; // first 160 chars of DESCRIPTION plus ' ...'
} else {
$post->post_excerpt = $r['DESCRIPTION'];
$post->post_status = 'publish';
$post->post_category = array ($category,);
// sanitized title. We will add a timestamp to enable recurring events
// this is not handled properly by wp_insert_post - recurring events would all have the same post_name.
// $post->post_name = $r['DTSTART']->format('Y-m-d-H-i') . '-' . strtolower( urlencode($r['SUMMARY']) ) ;
$post->visibility = 'public';
// now the wpcalendar metas.
$post->meta_input = array(
'_wpcal_from' => $r['DTSTART']->format('d.m.Y H:i'),
'_bis' => $r['DTEND']->format('d.m.Y H:i'),
'_geocity' => gcal_import_geocity($r['LOCATION']),
'_geoshow' => gcal_import_geoshow($r['LOCATION']),
'_lat' => $my_latlon[0],
'_lon' => $my_latlon[1],
'_zoom' => '10',
'_veranstalter' => '',
'_veranstalterlnk' => '',
'_zeitstempel' => $zeitstempel,
'_gcal_uid' = $r['UID'],
'_gcal_recent' = true,
'_gcal_created' = new DateTime('now')->format('d.m.Y H:i'),
'_gcal_category' => $category,
// debug
$file = dirname (__FILE__) . '/' . $post->post_name . '-finished.txt';
file_put_contents ( $file, var_export ($post, TRUE) );
$post_id = // geht mit get_posts. SELECT post_id from postmeta WHERE _gcal_uid = $r['UID']
// existiert $postid? Wenn nicht -> insert_post
// wenn ja, prüfen, ob $r['LAST-MODIFIED'] > _created
// $r['LAST-MODIFIED'] > _created: update_post
// $r['LAST-MODIFIED'] == _created: nichts tun
// $r['LAST-MODIFIED'] < _created: schwerer Fehler, should not happen! nichts tun!
if ( true ) { // Bedingung?
$post->ID = 0 ; // vorhandene post_id holen!
$post_id = wp_update_post( $post, false );
} else { // not (exist)
$post_id = wp_insert_post( $post, false );
// und dann noch die Terminkategorie zuweisen:
wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, $category, 'termine_type' );
error_log ("posted new post $post_id");
// return ($post_id);