[database] host = localhost database = abstimmidd user = abstimmidd password = changeme [argon2] ; memory 2^18 KiB = 256 MiB memory = 18 iterations = 5 threads = 1 length = 16 [export] ; Explanatory text at beginning of file. Placeholders: ; %t - Title ; %d - Date ; %r - Vote Round header = Ergebnis der Abstimmung %r am %d - %t pgpkey = ID ; if rawpath is set, the raw JSON will be saved into the directory rawpath = /path/to/json/dir ; path in which signed files will be stored path = /path/to/dir ; path to PDF TeX template pdf_tmpl = /path/to/file ; synccmd can be empty, if no synchronization command is needed. Placeholders: ; %f - filename ;synccmd = rclone %f Remote:dir