#! /bin/python3 # import VLC module used for playback of files import vlc # TKinter is used to preapre the GUI window import tkinter as tk # import sys, shutil and osutil for file system access import sys import shutil import os # imporrt the standard to read and write config files import configparser # threading is used during playback from threading import Thread, Event # operator is used to sort the files import operator # when we download new media from "remote" it will be a zip file import zipfile # used for downloading the fles from remote import requests # below lines for develepment only # When DEBUG_PREVIEW is set to True, then te dislay will only cover # the lower right quarter of the screen DEBUG_PREVIEW = False # below variabels are fr configuration purposes # they are usually overwritten from the config file bild_dauer = 10 localPath = "./slideshow" remoteURL = None localPathExists = False # below file extensions are accepted for images image_extensions = ['png', 'jpg'] #below file extensions are accepted for videos movie_extensions = ['mov', 'mp4', 'm4v'] #start update with 2nd media - but only once update=2 def readConfig(configFile=None): global bild_dauer, DEBUG_PREVIEW, localPath, remoteURL, localPathExists needsWrite = False pathToMe = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]) if configFile == None: configFile = pathToMe.replace(".py", ".conf") config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(configFile) try: bild_dauer = int(config.get('bilder', 'dauer')) except: config.set('bilder', 'dauer', "10") needsWrite = True try: val = config.get('debug', 'preview') except: val = "0" if val == "1": DEBUG_PREVIEW = True try: localPath = os.path.realpath(config.get('pfad', 'lokal')) except: localPath = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(pathToMe) + os.sep + "slideshow") config.set('pfad', 'lokal', localPath) needsWrite = True localPathExists = os.path.exists(localPath) #try to read the remote URL, if not given, work offline try: remoteURL = config.get('pfad', 'remote') except: remoteURL = None if needsWrite == True: with open(configFile, 'w') as file: config.write(file) class RemoteData: def __init__(self): self.remoteURL = remoteURL if remoteURL == None: self.offline = True else: self.offline = False self.localZIP = "./download.zip" self.localUnZIP = "./temp" self.failed = False def downloadRemote(self): if self.offline == True: print("Configured for offline mode, add a 'path:remote' entry into the config file") return True #stream the remote path into download.zip r = requests.get(self.remoteURL, stream = True) if r.status_code != 200: print("URL %(url)s can't be loaded. Status Code = %(status)d" % {'url':self.remoteURL, 'status':r.status_code}) self.failed = True else: #print(r.headers) length = 0 print("download to %s" % self.localZIP) with open(self.localZIP, "wb") as zipped: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size = 4096): if chunk: zipped.write(chunk) length += len(chunk) print("%d kB" % (length/1024), end="\r") print("successful download of %d kB of data" % (length/1024)) result = self.updateLocalData() if result == True: os.remove(self.localZIP) self.failed = result return self.failed def updateLocalData(self): ''' Update the local data withh the contents of the ZIP recently downloaded Ths function usually is called from downloadRemote above ''' global localPathExists #unzip the downloaded file try: with zipfile.ZipFile(self.localZIP, 'r') as zipRef: zipRef.extractall(self.localUnZIP) except: print("Error while unzipping the downloaded data.") return False if localPathExists: #move orignal localPath away shutil.move(localPath, localPath+".old") #rename unzipped new data shutil.move(self.localUnZIP, localPath) if localPathExists: #remove old data shutil.rmtree(localPath+".old", True, None) localPathExists = True # this class simply cares about the fullscreen backdrop and starts playback class HiddenRoot(tk.Tk): def __init__(self): global bild_dauer tk.Tk.__init__(self) #hackish way, essentially makes root window #as small as possible but still "focused" #enabling us to use the binding on self.wm_geometry("0x0+0+0") self.window = MySlideShow(self) self.window.startSlideShow() def nextMedia(self): self.window.nextMedia() def previousMedia(self): self.window.pixNum = self.window.pixNum -2 if self.window.pixNum < 0: self.window.pixNum = self.window.pixNum + len(self.window.mediaList) self.window.nextMedia() def destroy(self): self.window.player.stop() self.window.destroy() exit(0) def updateMedia(self): self.window.updateMedia() # this class contains some info about media files # it includes some media meta data especially duration of video clips class Mediafile: def __init__(self,filename,vlcinstance): self.filename = filename self.type = "unknown" self.duration = 0 self.valid = False extension = os.path.basename(filename).split(".")[-1] if extension in image_extensions: print("image file: "+filename) self.valid = True elif extension in movie_extensions: media = vlcinstance.media_new(filename) media.parse() self.duration = media.get_duration() self.valid = True print("movie file: "+filename+ " (%d Sekunden)"%(self.duration/1000)) else: print("unknwon file type: "+filename) class ttkTimer(Thread): """a class serving same function as wxTimer... but there may be better ways to do this """ def __init__(self, callback, tick): Thread.__init__(self) self.callback = callback self.stopFlag = Event() self.tick = tick self.iters = 0 def run(self): while not self.stopFlag.wait(self.tick): self.iters += 1 self.callback() def stop(self): self.stopFlag.set() def get(self): return self.iters class MySlideShow(tk.Toplevel): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): tk.Toplevel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) #remove window decorations self.overrideredirect(True) self.paused = False self.info = None self.scr_w, self.scr_h = self.winfo_screenwidth(), self.winfo_screenheight() if DEBUG_PREVIEW == None or DEBUG_PREVIEW == True: self.scr_w = int(self.scr_w / 4) self.scr_h = int(self.scr_h / 4) self.scr_t = self.scr_h*3 - 10 self.scr_l = self.scr_w*3 - 10 else: self.scr_t = 0 self.scr_l = 0 print(self.scr_w,self.scr_h) #save reference to photo so that garbage collection #does not clear image variable in show_image() self.persistent_image = None self.mediaList = list() self.bgcolor = (0,0,0) # This creates the widget where files are played back self.player = None self.videopanel = tk.Frame(self, bg="black") self.videopanel.pack(side="top",fill=tk.BOTH,expand=1) # VLC player init self.instance = vlc.Instance("--no-xlib --quiet --fullscreen --") self.player = self.instance.media_player_new() self.player.video_set_scale(0) self.player.video_set_aspect_ratio('16:9') self.player.video_set_deinterlace('auto') self.player.video_set_mouse_input(False) self.player.video_set_key_input(False) # get Media Files self.getMedia() #self.updateMedia() def showInfo(self,_text): # This creates an info widget if self.info == None: print("ShowInfo: "+_text) self.info = tk.Label(self, bg="#00FF44", height=1, width=int(self.scr_w/9), text=_text) self.info.place(x=0,y=0) else: self.info.configure(text=_text) def hideInfo(self): if self.info != None: print("Hide info") self.info.destroy() self.info = None def getMedia(self): ''' Get image directory from command line or use current directory ''' curr_dir = localPath self.pixNum = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(curr_dir): for f in files: if f.startswith("._"): continue item = Mediafile(os.path.join(root, f),self.instance) if item.valid == True: self.mediaList.append(item) self.mediaList.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('filename')) def startSlideShow(self): self.paused = False if len(self.mediaList) < 1: # nothing to show, so abort print("no media files found") exit(1) self.wm_geometry("{}x{}+{}+{}".format(self.scr_w, self.scr_h,self.scr_l,self.scr_t)) self.player.set_xwindow(self.GetHandle()) # this line messes up windows self.nextMedia() def nextMedia(self): global bild_dauer, update if self.paused == True: return media = self.mediaList[self.pixNum] self.pixNum = (self.pixNum + 1) % len(self.mediaList) self.showMedia(media) if update > 0: if update==1: self.updateMedia() update -= 1 #its like a callback function after n seconds (cycle through pics) # movie should be played up to the end # images shall be shown as given in delays timer = media.duration if timer <= 0: timer = bild_dauer * 1000 # print(media.filename, timer/1000) self.after(timer, self.nextMedia) def showMedia(self, media): _media = self.instance.media_new(media.filename) _media.parse() self.player.set_media(_media) self.player.audio_set_mute(True) self.player.play() def pausePlayback(self): self.paused = True def updateMedia(self): global update if remoteURL != None: self.showInfo("Update Media Files") self.pausePlayback() update = RemoteData() result = update.downloadRemote() self.hideInfo() update = 0 self.getMedia() self.startSlideShow() def GetHandle(self): return self.videopanel.winfo_id() ## ENTRY POINT ## readConfig() #autoUpdate = RemoteData() #result = autoUpdate.downloadRemote() #if result == False: # print("updating the media data failed") if os.path.exists(localPath) == False: print("local path containing media files not found") exit(1) slideShow = HiddenRoot() slideShow.bind("", lambda e: slideShow.destroy()) # exit on esc slideShow.bind("", lambda e: slideShow.nextMedia()) # right-arrow key for next image slideShow.bind("", lambda e: slideShow.previousMedia()) # left-arrow key for previous image slideShow.bind("U", lambda e: slideShow.updateMedia()) # start dwnload of new media slideShow.mainloop()