
78 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Checks which character set a page has.
TODO: Check for http-equiv meta tags like
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
import logging
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from checks.abstract_checker import AbstractChecker
class Checker(AbstractChecker):
def __init__(self, config, previous_results=None):
super().__init__(config, previous_results)
def run(self):
assert 'page_content' in self.previous_results
results = {}
for url in self.config.urls:
results[url] = self.get_charset(url)
return results
def get_charset(self, url):
Expects page_content_dict['content'] to carry the HTML content
page_content = self.previous_results['page_content'][url]
assert 'content' in page_content
assert 'response_headers' in page_content
logging.debug("%r", page_content['response_headers'])
assert 'content-type' in page_content['response_headers']
if page_content['content'] is None:
result = {
'meta_charset_tag': None,
'content_type_header_charset': None,
'charset': 'iso-8859-1', # ISO-8859-1 is the default according to
'valid': None,
'exception': None,
soup = BeautifulSoup(page_content['content'], 'html.parser')
# get response header charset
if ('content-type' in page_content['response_headers']
and 'charset=' in page_content['response_headers']['content-type']):
parts = page_content['response_headers']['content-type'].split("charset=", 1)
result['content_type_header_charset'] = parts[1].lower()
result['charset'] = parts[1].lower()
# get meta tag charset
metatags = soup.find_all('meta')
for tag in metatags:
if 'charset' in tag.attrs:
result['meta_charset_tag'] = tag['charset'].lower()
# meta tag overrules any previous value
result['charset'] = tag['charset'].lower()
# check for charset plausibility (only for most common ones)
if result['charset'] in ('iso-8859-1', 'utf-8'):
_ = page_content['content'].encode(result['charset'])
except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
result['valid'] = False
result['exception'] = str(e)
result['valid'] = True
return result