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The rating module contains the functionality to get calculate score for certain
criteria based on information gather by checks before.
import logging
from rating import canonical_url
from rating import contact_link
from rating import favicon
from rating import feeds
from rating import https
Job-Verwaltung mit RQ, und vieles mehr (#149) * CLI: remove 'jobs' command, add 'manager' * Add job definition * Move jobs to manage folder * Rename jobs to manager * Add rq and redis dependencies * Add docker-compose YAML * Downgrade to alpine 3.8 * Adjust paths in Dockerfile, remove entrypoint * Rename 'make spiderjobs' to 'make jobs' * Fix docker exectution * Adapt 'make jobs' * Fix metadata scheme * Add docker dependency * Rendomize queue (a bit) * Use latest image, remove debug output * Make docker-compose file downwards-compatible * Use latest instead of dev image tag * Update docker-compose.yaml * Adapt job start script * Fix redis connection in manager * Add support for increasing timeout via environment variable * Adapt load_in_browser to cookies table schema change * Fix execution * Mitigate yaml warning * Bump some dependency versions * Report resource usage stats for each job * checks/load_in_browser: Return DOM size, prevent multiple page loads * Update .dockerignore * Code update * Script update * Update * WIP * WIP commit * Update Dockerfile to alpine:edge and chromium v90 * Update TestCertificateChecker * Set defaults for __init__ function * Detect sunflower theme * Update unit test for new datetime (zero-basing) * Set logging prefs from Chromium in a new way * Move datastore client instantiation As it is not needed for all commands * Change green-directory repository URL * Add git settings for cloning green-directory * Pin alpine version 3.14, fix py3-cryptography * Use plain docker build progress output * Add volumes to 'make test' docker run command * Fix bug * Update example command in README * Update dependencies * Add creation of Kubernetes jobs
2021-11-11 20:15:43 +01:00
from rating import network_payload
from rating import network_requests
from rating import no_network_errors
from rating import no_script_errors
2019-04-29 10:09:25 +02:00
from rating import no_third_party_cookies
from rating import reachable
from rating import resolvable
from rating import response_duration
from rating import responsive_layout
from rating import social_media_links
from rating import use_specific_fonts
from rating import www_optional
def calculate_rating(results):
Calculates ratings for a number of criteria.
results - Results dictionary from checks
# The raters to execute.
rating_modules = {
'CANONICAL_URL': canonical_url,
'CONTACT_LINK': contact_link,
'DNS_RESOLVABLE_IPV4': resolvable,
'FAVICON': favicon,
'FEEDS': feeds,
'HTTPS': https,
'HTTP_RESPONSE_DURATION': response_duration,
Job-Verwaltung mit RQ, und vieles mehr (#149) * CLI: remove 'jobs' command, add 'manager' * Add job definition * Move jobs to manage folder * Rename jobs to manager * Add rq and redis dependencies * Add docker-compose YAML * Downgrade to alpine 3.8 * Adjust paths in Dockerfile, remove entrypoint * Rename 'make spiderjobs' to 'make jobs' * Fix docker exectution * Adapt 'make jobs' * Fix metadata scheme * Add docker dependency * Rendomize queue (a bit) * Use latest image, remove debug output * Make docker-compose file downwards-compatible * Use latest instead of dev image tag * Update docker-compose.yaml * Adapt job start script * Fix redis connection in manager * Add support for increasing timeout via environment variable * Adapt load_in_browser to cookies table schema change * Fix execution * Mitigate yaml warning * Bump some dependency versions * Report resource usage stats for each job * checks/load_in_browser: Return DOM size, prevent multiple page loads * Update .dockerignore * Code update * Script update * Update * WIP * WIP commit * Update Dockerfile to alpine:edge and chromium v90 * Update TestCertificateChecker * Set defaults for __init__ function * Detect sunflower theme * Update unit test for new datetime (zero-basing) * Set logging prefs from Chromium in a new way * Move datastore client instantiation As it is not needed for all commands * Change green-directory repository URL * Add git settings for cloning green-directory * Pin alpine version 3.14, fix py3-cryptography * Use plain docker build progress output * Add volumes to 'make test' docker run command * Fix bug * Update example command in README * Update dependencies * Add creation of Kubernetes jobs
2021-11-11 20:15:43 +01:00
'NETWORK_PAYLOAD': network_payload,
'NETWORK_REQUESTS': network_requests,
'NO_NETWORK_ERRORS': no_network_errors,
'NO_SCRIPT_ERRORS': no_script_errors,
2019-04-29 10:09:25 +02:00
'NO_THIRD_PARTY_COOKIES': no_third_party_cookies,
'RESPONSIVE': responsive_layout,
'SITE_REACHABLE': reachable,
'SOCIAL_MEDIA_LINKS': social_media_links,
'USE_SPECIFIC_FONTS': use_specific_fonts,
'WWW_OPTIONAL': www_optional,
output = {}
for name in rating_modules:
rater = rating_modules[name].Rater(results)
output[name] = rater.rate()
return output