""" The rating module contains the functionality to get calculate score for certain criteria based on information gather by checks before. """ import logging from rating import canonical_url from rating import favicon from rating import feeds from rating import https from rating import no_network_errors from rating import no_script_errors from rating import reachable from rating import resolvable from rating import response_duration from rating import responsive_layout from rating import use_specific_fonts from rating import www_optional def calculate_rating(results): """ Calculates ratings for a number of criteria. Params: results - Results dictionary from checks """ # The raters to execute. rating_modules = { 'CANONICAL_URL': canonical_url, 'DNS_RESOLVABLE_IPV4': resolvable, 'FAVICON': favicon, 'FEEDS': feeds, 'HTTPS': https, 'HTTP_RESPONSE_DURATION': response_duration, 'NO_NETWORK_ERRORS': no_network_errors, 'NO_SCRIPT_ERRORS': no_script_errors, 'RESPONSIVE': responsive_layout, 'SITE_REACHABLE': reachable, 'USE_SPECIFIC_FONTS': use_specific_fonts, 'WWW_OPTIONAL': www_optional, } output = {} for name in rating_modules: rater = rating_modules[name].Rater(results) output[name] = rater.rate() return output