Marian Steinbach 618e29d763
Job-Verwaltung mit RQ, und vieles mehr (#149)
* CLI: remove 'jobs' command, add 'manager'

* Add job definition

* Move jobs to manage folder

* Rename jobs to manager

* Add rq and redis dependencies

* Add docker-compose YAML

* Downgrade to alpine 3.8

* Adjust paths in Dockerfile, remove entrypoint

* Rename 'make spiderjobs' to 'make jobs'

* Fix docker exectution

* Adapt 'make jobs'

* Fix metadata scheme

* Add docker dependency

* Rendomize queue (a bit)

* Use latest image, remove debug output

* Make docker-compose file downwards-compatible

* Use latest instead of dev image tag

* Update docker-compose.yaml

* Adapt job start script

* Fix redis connection in manager

* Add support for increasing timeout via environment variable

* Adapt load_in_browser to cookies table schema change

* Fix execution

* Mitigate yaml warning

* Bump some dependency versions

* Report resource usage stats for each job

* checks/load_in_browser: Return DOM size, prevent multiple page loads

* Update .dockerignore

* Code update

* Script update

* Update


* WIP commit

* Update Dockerfile to alpine:edge and chromium v90

* Update TestCertificateChecker

* Set defaults for __init__ function

* Detect sunflower theme

* Update unit test for new datetime (zero-basing)

* Set logging prefs from Chromium in a new way

* Move datastore client instantiation

As it is not needed for all commands

* Change green-directory repository URL

* Add git settings for cloning green-directory

* Pin alpine version 3.14, fix py3-cryptography

* Use plain docker build progress output

* Add volumes to 'make test' docker run command

* Fix bug

* Update example command in README

* Update dependencies

* Add creation of Kubernetes jobs
2021-11-11 20:15:43 +01:00

45 lines
1.2 KiB

class AbstractChecker(object):
Our blueprint for checks
def __init__(self, config, previous_results=None):
self._config = config
# A dictionary of results from previous checkers.
# Key is the name of the checker that has generated the result.
self._previous_results = previous_results
def depends_on_results(self):
Should return the name(s) of checks this one depends on.
Empty list means this check has no prerequisites.
return []
def run(self):
"""Executes the check routine, returns result dict"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def post_hook(self, result):
Optional function to execute after run(). Can be used to post-process
results data. Should be defined by the implementing checker.
result: Result data from the run() function.
Dict: Modified results data
None: Means that nothing has been done, so should be ignored.
return None
def config(self):
return self._config
def previous_results(self):
return self._previous_results