Marian Steinbach 51052ebac1
Add tests action (#273)
* Add tests action

* Change test execution command

* Change action towards building a docker image

* Use pyyaml from alpine package

* Add test execution

* Enable running without terminal in CI

* Add creation of empty secret file

* Fill service account file

* Fix JSON

* Fix quiting

* Add more fields to fake secret

* Wrap execution in try/except

* Fix: local variable 'result' referenced before assignment
2022-10-21 16:27:15 +02:00

36 lines
878 B

import unittest
from pprint import pprint
from spider.spider import check_and_rate_site
class TestSpider(unittest.TestCase):
Simply calls the spider.check_and_rate_site function
with URLs. We don't assert a lot here,
but at least make sure that most of our code is executed
in tests.
def test_html(self):
"""Loads a simple HTML web page"""
entry = {
"url": "",
"type": "type",
"state": "state",
"level": "level",
"district": "district",
"city": "city",
url = ""
result = check_and_rate_site(entry)
self.assertEqual(result["input_url"], url)
except ValueError:
if __name__ == '__main__':