Marian Steinbach 618e29d763
Job-Verwaltung mit RQ, und vieles mehr (#149)
* CLI: remove 'jobs' command, add 'manager'

* Add job definition

* Move jobs to manage folder

* Rename jobs to manager

* Add rq and redis dependencies

* Add docker-compose YAML

* Downgrade to alpine 3.8

* Adjust paths in Dockerfile, remove entrypoint

* Rename 'make spiderjobs' to 'make jobs'

* Fix docker exectution

* Adapt 'make jobs'

* Fix metadata scheme

* Add docker dependency

* Rendomize queue (a bit)

* Use latest image, remove debug output

* Make docker-compose file downwards-compatible

* Use latest instead of dev image tag

* Update docker-compose.yaml

* Adapt job start script

* Fix redis connection in manager

* Add support for increasing timeout via environment variable

* Adapt load_in_browser to cookies table schema change

* Fix execution

* Mitigate yaml warning

* Bump some dependency versions

* Report resource usage stats for each job

* checks/load_in_browser: Return DOM size, prevent multiple page loads

* Update .dockerignore

* Code update

* Script update

* Update


* WIP commit

* Update Dockerfile to alpine:edge and chromium v90

* Update TestCertificateChecker

* Set defaults for __init__ function

* Detect sunflower theme

* Update unit test for new datetime (zero-basing)

* Set logging prefs from Chromium in a new way

* Move datastore client instantiation

As it is not needed for all commands

* Change green-directory repository URL

* Add git settings for cloning green-directory

* Pin alpine version 3.14, fix py3-cryptography

* Use plain docker build progress output

* Add volumes to 'make test' docker run command

* Fix bug

* Update example command in README

* Update dependencies

* Add creation of Kubernetes jobs
2021-11-11 20:15:43 +01:00

139 lines
3.7 KiB

Provides the spider functionality (website checks).
import argparse
import json
import logging
import re
import statistics
import time
from datetime import datetime
from pprint import pprint
from google.api_core.exceptions import InvalidArgument
from import datastore
import checks
import config
import manager
import rating
def check_and_rate_site(entry):
Performs our site checks, calculates the score
and returns results as a dict.
# all the info we'll return for the site
result = {
# input_url: The URL we derived all checks from
'input_url': entry['url'],
# Meta: Regional and type metadata for the site
'meta': {
'type': entry.get('type'),
'level': entry.get('level'),
'state': entry.get('state'),
'district': entry.get('district'),
'city': entry.get('city'),
# checks: Results from our checks
'checks': {},
# The actual report scoring criteria
'rating': {},
# resulting score
'score': 0.0,
# Results from our next generation checkers
result['checks'] = checks.perform_checks(entry['url'])
result['rating'] = rating.calculate_rating(result['checks'])
# Overall score is the sum of the individual scores
for key in result['rating']:
result['score'] += result['rating'][key]['score']
# Remove bigger result portions to safe some storage:
# - HTML page content
# - Hyperlinks
# - Performnance log
for url in result['checks']['page_content']:
del result['checks']['page_content'][url]['content']
for url in result['checks']['load_in_browser']:
del result['checks']['load_in_browser'][url]['performance_log']
del result['checks']['hyperlinks']
return result
def test_url(url):
Run the spider for a single URL and print the result.
Doesn't write anything to the database.
""""Crawling URL %s", url)
# mock job
job = {
"url": url,
result = check_and_rate_site(entry=job)
def execute_single_job(datastore_client, job, entity_kind):
Executes spider for one single job
validate_job(job)"Starting job %s", job["url"])
result = check_and_rate_site(entry=job)
logging.debug("Full JSON representation of returned result: %s", json.dumps(result, default=str))"Job %s finished checks", job["url"])"Job %s writing to DB", job["url"])
key = datastore_client.key(entity_kind, job["url"])
entity = datastore.Entity(key=key)
record = {
'created': datetime.utcnow(),
'meta': result['meta'],
'checks': result['checks'],
'rating': result['rating'],
'score': result['score'],
logging.debug("Successfully wrote record to database")
except InvalidArgument as ex:
logging.error("Could not write result: %s", ex)
except Exception as ex:
logging.error("Could not write result: %s", ex)
def work_of_queue(datastore_client, entity_kind):
Take job from queue and finish it until there are no more jobs
while True:
job = manager.get_job_from_queue(datastore_client)
if job is None:"No more jobs. Exiting.")
execute_single_job(datastore_client, job, entity_kind)
def validate_job(jobdict):
if "url" not in jobdict:
raise Exception("Job does not have required 'url' attribute")