Marian Steinbach 618e29d763
Job-Verwaltung mit RQ, und vieles mehr (#149)
* CLI: remove 'jobs' command, add 'manager'

* Add job definition

* Move jobs to manage folder

* Rename jobs to manager

* Add rq and redis dependencies

* Add docker-compose YAML

* Downgrade to alpine 3.8

* Adjust paths in Dockerfile, remove entrypoint

* Rename 'make spiderjobs' to 'make jobs'

* Fix docker exectution

* Adapt 'make jobs'

* Fix metadata scheme

* Add docker dependency

* Rendomize queue (a bit)

* Use latest image, remove debug output

* Make docker-compose file downwards-compatible

* Use latest instead of dev image tag

* Update docker-compose.yaml

* Adapt job start script

* Fix redis connection in manager

* Add support for increasing timeout via environment variable

* Adapt load_in_browser to cookies table schema change

* Fix execution

* Mitigate yaml warning

* Bump some dependency versions

* Report resource usage stats for each job

* checks/load_in_browser: Return DOM size, prevent multiple page loads

* Update .dockerignore

* Code update

* Script update

* Update


* WIP commit

* Update Dockerfile to alpine:edge and chromium v90

* Update TestCertificateChecker

* Set defaults for __init__ function

* Detect sunflower theme

* Update unit test for new datetime (zero-basing)

* Set logging prefs from Chromium in a new way

* Move datastore client instantiation

As it is not needed for all commands

* Change green-directory repository URL

* Add git settings for cloning green-directory

* Pin alpine version 3.14, fix py3-cryptography

* Use plain docker build progress output

* Add volumes to 'make test' docker run command

* Fix bug

* Update example command in README

* Update dependencies

* Add creation of Kubernetes jobs
2021-11-11 20:15:43 +01:00

217 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable file

# Creates a server, installs Docker, runs the screenshots job, tears down the server.
# This will take several hours. For a complete, clean run it is required to leave the
# terminal running the script open. Otherwise the server won't be deleted properly
# which will result in extra cost.
# When stopping the script at any point (Ctrl+C), please make sure that the server
# gets deleted afterwards.
# Requirements:
# - curl
# - jq (
# - ssh
# - SSH key referenced in the server details ("ssh_keys")
# - Service account with write permission for Storage and Datastore in
# secrets/datastore-writer.json
test -f $API_TOKEN_SECRET || { echo >&2 "File $API_TOKEN_SECRET does not exist."; exit 1; }
if [[ "$1" = "" ]]; then
echo "No argument given. Please use 'screenshotter' or 'spider' as arguments."
exit 1
SERVERNAME="$1-$(date | md5 | cut -c1-3)"
# possible values: cx11 (1 core 2 GB), cx21 (2 cores, 4 GB), cx31 (2 cores, 8 GB)
function create_server()
echo "Creating server $SERVERNAME"
# server_type 'cx11' is the smallest, cheapest category.
# location 'nbg1' is Nürnberg/Nuremberg, Germany.
# image 'debian-9' is a plain Debian stretch.
# ssh_keys ['Marian'] adds Marian's public key to the server and can be extended.
# user_data: Ensures that we can detect when the cloud-init setup is done.
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \
-d "{
\"name\": \"$SERVERNAME\",
\"server_type\": \"$SERVERTYPE\",
\"location\": \"nbg1\",
\"start_after_create\": true,
\"image\": \"debian-9\",
\"ssh_keys\": [
\"user_data\": \"#cloud-config\nruncmd:\n - touch /cloud-init-done\n\"
# Get ID:
# Get IP:
SERVER_IP=$(echo $CREATE_RESPONSE | jq -r .server.public_net.ipv4.ip)
if [ "$SERVER_ID" = "null" ]; then
echo "No server created."
echo $CREATE_RESPONSE | jq .
exit 1
echo "Created server $SERVERNAME with ID $SERVER_ID and IP $SERVER_IP"
function wait_for_server()
echo -n "Waiting for the server to be reachable via SSH "
sleep 30
while [ "$STATUS" != "0" ]; do
echo -n "."
sleep 5
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP ls /cloud-init-done &> /dev/null
echo ""
create_server $1
echo "Executing remote commands..."
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP << EOF
echo ""
echo "Update package sources"
apt-get update -q
echo ""
echo "Install dependencies"
apt-get install -y curl apt-transport-https gnupg2 software-properties-common
echo ""
echo "Add docker repo key"
curl -fsSL | apt-key add -
echo ""
echo "Add repo"
add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] stretch stable"
echo ""
echo "Update package sources again"
apt-get update -q
echo ""
echo "Install docker"
apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-compose
mkdir /root/secrets
if [[ $1 == "screenshotter" ]]; then
### screenshotter
# Copy service account secret to server
echo "Copying secret to /root/secrets/service-account.json"
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q secrets/datastore-writer.json root@$SERVER_IP:/root/secrets/service-account.json
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q secrets/screenshots-uploader.json root@$SERVER_IP:/root/secrets/screenshots-uploader.json
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q secrets/datastore-writer.json root@$SERVER_IP:/root/secrets/datastore-writer.json
# Run docker job
echo "Starting Docker Job"
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP docker run -t \
-v /root/secrets:/secrets \
elif [[ $1 == "spider-new" ]]
# Some dependencies specific to this task
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP apt-get install -y python3-pip build-essential
# Upload some files
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q secrets/datastore-writer.json root@$SERVER_IP:/root/secrets/datastore-writer.json
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q docker-compose.yaml root@$SERVER_IP:/root/docker-compose.yaml
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q requirements.txt root@$SERVER_IP:/root/requirements.txt
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP:/root/
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Bring up redis for the queue
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP docker-compose pull redis
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP docker-compose up -d redis
sleep 5
# Bring up queue manager
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP docker-compose pull manager
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP docker-compose up manager
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP rq info --url redis://localhost:6379/0
# Start worker and work off the queue once
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP rq worker --burst high default low --url redis://localhost:6379/0
# Re-queue failed jobs once, then re-execute.
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP rq requeue --queue low -u redis://localhost:6379 --all
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP rq info --url redis://localhost:6379/0
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP rq worker --burst high default low --url redis://localhost:6379/0
echo "Done with queued jobs."
### spider
# Copy service account secret to server
echo "Copying secret to /root/secrets/datastore-writer.json"
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q secrets/datastore-writer.json root@$SERVER_IP:/root/secrets/datastore-writer.json
# Run docker job
echo "Starting Docker Job"
#ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP docker run -t \
# -v /root/secrets:/secrets \
# \
# --credentials-path /secrets/datastore-writer.json \
# jobs
#ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP mkdir -p /dev-shm
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q root@$SERVER_IP docker run -t \
--shm-size=2g \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
-v /root/secrets:/secrets \
--credentials-path /secrets/datastore-writer.json \
--loglevel info \
spider --kind $RESULTS_ENTITY_KIND
# Delete the box
echo "Deleting server $SERVERNAME with ID $SERVER_ID"
curl -s -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \$SERVER_ID