Marian Steinbach df314c0677 Fix bug
2021-11-11 20:09:20 +01:00

58 lines
1.8 KiB

This rater evaluates the amount of data transferred for a page load.
Currently no score is given. The plan is however to reward site that
cause smaller transfers.
The rater uses Chrome performance log messages of type
from rating.abstract_rater import AbstractRater
class Rater(AbstractRater):
rating_type = 'number'
default_value = 0
depends_on_checks = ['load_in_browser']
max_score = 1.0
def __init__(self, check_results):
def rate(self):
value = self.default_value
score = 0
payloads_for_urls = []
for url in self.check_results['load_in_browser']:
payload = 0
if (self.check_results['load_in_browser'][url]['performance_log'] == [] or
self.check_results['load_in_browser'][url]['performance_log'] is None):
for lentry in self.check_results['load_in_browser'][url]['performance_log']:
if lentry['message']['method'] == 'Network.loadingFinished':
payload += lentry['message']['params']['encodedDataLength']
# Calculate score based on the largest value found for a URL.
# See
# for details.
if len(payloads_for_urls) > 0:
value = max(payloads_for_urls)
if value < 994000:
score = 1
elif value < 1496000:
score = .5
return {
'type': self.rating_type,
'value': value,
'score': score,
'max_score': self.max_score,