csett86 22b3406613
feat(agc): Add setting to disable automatic gain control (#582)
In some OS/Chromium combinations the automatic gain control goes slightly
crazy, but normally its fine. Thus keep the default as is, but add an option
for the users to disable it if required.

Closes: #564
2021-05-11 17:08:47 +02:00

41 lines
1.9 KiB

"enterConferenceNameOrUrl": "Enter a name for your conference or a Jitsi URL",
"go": "GO",
"help": "Help",
"termsLink": "Terms",
"privacyLink": "Privacy",
"sendFeedbackLink": "Send Feedback",
"aboutLink": "About",
"sourceLink": "Source Code",
"versionLabel": "Version: {{version}}",
"onboarding": {
"startTour": "Start Tour",
"skip": "Skip",
"welcome": "Welcome to {{appName}}",
"letUsShowYouAround": "Let us show you around!",
"next": "Next",
"conferenceUrl": "Enter the name (or full URL) of the room you want to join. You may make a name up, just let others know so they enter the same name.",
"settingsDrawerButton": "Click here to open the settings drawer.",
"nameSetting": "This will be your display name, others will see you with this name.",
"emailSetting": "The email you enter here will be part of your user profile.",
"startMutedToggles": "You can toggle if you want to start with your audio or video muted here. This will be applied to all conferences.",
"serverSetting": "This will be the server where your conferences will take place. You can use your own, but you don't need to!",
"serverTimeout": "Timeout to join a meeting, if the meeting hasn't been joined before the timeout hits, it's cancelled.",
"alwaysOnTop": "You can toggle whether you want to enable the \"always-on-top\" window, which is displayed when the main window loses focus. This will be applied to all conferences."
"settings": {
"back": "Back",
"name": "Name",
"email": "Email",
"advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
"alwaysOnTopWindow": "Always on Top Window",
"startWithAudioMuted": "Start with Audio muted",
"startWithVideoMuted": "Start with Video muted",
"invalidServer": "Invalid Server URL",
"invalidServerTimeout": "Invalid value for Server Timeout",
"serverUrl": "Server URL",
"serverTimeout": "Server Timeout (in seconds)",
"disableAGC": "Disable automatic gain control"