2020-06-26 13:05:42 +02:00

39 lines
1.8 KiB

"enterConferenceNameOrUrl": "Enter a name for your conference or a Jitsi URL",
"go": "GO",
"help": "Help",
"termsLink": "Terms",
"privacyLink": "Privacy",
"sendFeedbackLink": "Send Feedback",
"aboutLink": "About",
"sourceLink": "Source Code",
"versionLabel": "Version: {{version}}",
"onboarding": {
"startTour": "Start Tour",
"skip": "Skip",
"welcome": "Welcome to {{appName}}",
"letUsShowYouAround": "Let us show you around!",
"next": "Next",
"conferenceUrl": "Enter the name (or full URL) of the room you want to join. You may make a name up, just let others know so they enter the same name.",
"settingsDrawerButton": "Click here to open the settings drawer.",
"nameSetting": "This will be your display name, others will see you with this name.",
"emailSetting": "The email you enter here will be part of your user profile.",
"startMutedToggles": "You can toggle if you want to start with your audio or video muted here. This will be applied to all conferences.",
"serverSetting": "This will be the server where your conferences will take place. You can use your own, but you don't need to!",
"serverTimeout": "Timeout to join a meeting, if the meeting hasn't been joined before the timeout hits, it's cancelled.",
"alwaysOnTop": "You can toggle whether you want to enable the \"always-on-top\" window, which is displayed when the main window loses focus. This will be applied to all conferences."
"settings": {
"back": "Back",
"name": "Name",
"email": "Email",
"advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
"alwaysOnTopWindow": "Always on Top Window",
"startWithAudioMuted": "Start with Audio muted",
"startWithVideoMuted": "Start with Video muted",
"invalidServer": "Invalid Server URL or external API not enabled",
"serverUrl": "Server URL",
"serverTimeout": "Server Timeout (in seconds)"