akshitkrnagpal 3bd9970c12 Add ability to configure the server URL
The configured server URL will be used when the room URL is not
a full URL. If a full URL is given, the target server is joined.

The default server URL is https://meet.jit.si
2018-06-25 21:33:28 +02:00

40 lines
722 B

* The type of (redux) action that sets the Avatar URL.
* {
* avatarURL: string
* }
export const SET_AVATAR_URL = Symbol('SET_AVATAR_URL');
* The type of (redux) action that sets the email of the user.
* {
* type: SET_EMAIL,
* email: string
* }
export const SET_EMAIL = Symbol('SET_EMAIL');
* The type of (redux) action that sets the name of the user.
* {
* type: SET_NAME,
* name: string
* }
export const SET_NAME = Symbol('SET_NAME');
* The type of (redux) action that sets the Server URL.
* {
* serverURL: string
* }
export const SET_SERVER_URL = Symbol('SET_SERVER_URL');