akshitkrnagpal 3bd9970c12 Add ability to configure the server URL
The configured server URL will be used when the room URL is not
a full URL. If a full URL is given, the target server is joined.

The default server URL is https://meet.jit.si
2018-06-25 21:33:28 +02:00

75 lines
1.7 KiB

/* global process */
// @flow
import { shell } from 'electron';
import md5 from 'js-md5';
* Return true if Electron app is running on Mac system.
* @returns {boolean}
export function isElectronMac() {
return process.platform === 'darwin';
* Normalizes the given server URL so it has the proper scheme.
* @param {string} url - URL with or without scheme.
* @returns {string}
export function normalizeServerURL(url: string) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
url = url.trim();
if (url && url.indexOf('://') === -1) {
return `https://${url}`;
return url;
* Opens the provided link in default broswer.
* @param {string} link - Link to open outside the desktop app.
* @returns {void}
export function openExternalLink(link: string) {
* Returns the Avatar URL to be used.
* @param {string} key - Unique key to generate Avatar URL.
* @returns {string}
export function getAvatarURL({ email, id }: {
email: string,
id: string
}) {
let key = email || id;
let urlPrefix;
let urlSuffix;
// If the ID looks like an e-mail address, we'll use Gravatar because it
// supports e-mail addresses.
if (key && key.indexOf('@') > 0) {
// URL prefix and suffix of gravatar service.
urlPrefix = 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/';
urlSuffix = '?d=wavatar&size=200';
} else {
key = id;
// Otherwise, use a default (meeples, of course).
urlPrefix = 'https://abotars.jitsi.net/meeple/';
urlSuffix = '';
return urlPrefix + md5.hex(key.trim().toLowerCase()) + urlSuffix;