// IE8 ployfill for GetComputed Style (for Responsive Script below) if (!window.getComputedStyle) { window.getComputedStyle = function(el, pseudo) { this.el = el; this.getPropertyValue = function(prop) { var re = /(\-([a-z]){1})/g; if (prop == 'float') prop = 'styleFloat'; if (re.test(prop)) { prop = prop.replace(re, function () { return arguments[2].toUpperCase(); }); } return el.currentStyle[prop] ? el.currentStyle[prop] : null; } return this; } } // as the page loads, call these scripts jQuery(document).ready(function($) { /* Responsive jQuery is a tricky thing. There's a bunch of different ways to handle it, so be sure to research and find the one that works for you best. */ /* getting viewport width */ var responsive_viewport = $(window).width(); /* if is below 481px */ if (responsive_viewport < 481) { } /* end smallest screen */ /* if is larger than 481px */ if (responsive_viewport > 481) { } /* end larger than 481px */ /* if is above or equal to 768px */ if (responsive_viewport >= 768) { /* load gravatars */ $('.comment img[data-gravatar]').each(function(){ $(this).attr('src',$(this).attr('data-gravatar')); }); } /* off the bat large screen actions */ if (responsive_viewport > 1030) { } // add all your scripts here }); /* end of as page load scripts */ /*! A fix for the iOS orientationchange zoom bug. Script by @scottjehl, rebound by @wilto. MIT License. */ (function(w){ // This fix addresses an iOS bug, so return early if the UA claims it's something else. if( !( /iPhone|iPad|iPod/.test( navigator.platform ) && navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "AppleWebKit" ) > -1 ) ){ return; } var doc = w.document; if( !doc.querySelector ){ return; } var meta = doc.querySelector( "meta[name=viewport]" ), initialContent = meta && meta.getAttribute( "content" ), disabledZoom = initialContent + ",maximum-scale=1", enabledZoom = initialContent + ",maximum-scale=10", enabled = true, x, y, z, aig; if( !meta ){ return; } function restoreZoom(){ meta.setAttribute( "content", enabledZoom ); enabled = true; } function disableZoom(){ meta.setAttribute( "content", disabledZoom ); enabled = false; } function checkTilt( e ){ aig = e.accelerationIncludingGravity; x = Math.abs( aig.x ); y = Math.abs( aig.y ); z = Math.abs( aig.z ); // If portrait orientation and in one of the danger zones if( !w.orientation && ( x > 7 || ( ( z > 6 && y < 8 || z < 8 && y > 6 ) && x > 5 ) ) ){ if( enabled ){ disableZoom(); } } else if( !enabled ){ restoreZoom(); } } w.addEventListener( "orientationchange", restoreZoom, false ); w.addEventListener( "devicemotion", checkTilt, false ); })( this ); /*Responsive Menu*/ /*Fancybox*/ jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(".fancybox").fancybox({ closeBtn : true, beforeShow: function() { this.title = jQuery(this.element).find('img').attr('alt'); }, helpers: { title : { type : 'inside' }, buttons : {} } }); // fancybox jQuery('.inhaltvz').onePageNav({ currentClass: 'current-menu-item', changeHash: false, scrollSpeed: 1000, scrollThreshold: 0.5, filter: '', easing: 'swing', begin: function() { //I get fired when the animation is starting }, end: function() { //I get fired when the animation is ending }, scrollChange: function($currentListItem) { //I get fired when you enter a section and I pass the list item of the section } }); //TO TOP // hide #back-top first jQuery("#back-top").hide(); // fade in #back-top jQuery(function () { jQuery(window).scroll(function () { if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 500) { jQuery('#back-top').fadeIn(); } else { jQuery('#back-top').fadeOut(); } }); }); // fade in nav jQuery(function () { jQuery(window).scroll(function () { if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 200) { jQuery('#nav-flyin').fadeIn(); } else { jQuery('#nav-flyin').fadeOut(); } }); }); //scroll jQuery('a[href^="#"]').on('click',function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var target = this.hash; var $target = jQuery(target); jQuery('html, body').stop().animate({ 'scrollTop': $target.offset().top }, 500, function () { window.location.hash = target; }); }); }); // ready​