2019-04-10 21:03:33 +01:00

444 lines
12 KiB

name: git-gateway
branch: next
squash_merges: true
- admin
- editor
publish_mode: editorial_workflow
media_folder: static/img/uploads
public_folder: /img/uploads
- name: euromat
label: Euromat
description: 'Theses, parties, ..., everything for the actual app.'
folder: src/app/euromat/content
format: json
create: true
slug: '{{fields.language}}'
- label: '[Meta] Language'
name: language
hint: Select the language for this page.
widget: select
- label: English
value: en
- label: Deutsch
value: de
- label: Français
value: fr
- label: Polski
value: pl
- name: introduction
label: '[Page] Introduction'
description: The introduction page of Euromat.
folder: src/app/intro/content
format: json
create: true
slug: '{{fields.language}}'
- label: '[Meta] Language'
name: language
hint: Select the language for this page.
widget: select
- label: English
value: en
- label: Deutsch
value: de
- label: Français
value: fr
- label: Polski
value: pl
- label: '[Meta] Site Name'
name: title
widget: string
hint: The name for the page that will appear in the browser tab.
- label: Headline
name: headline
widget: string
- label: Content
name: content
widget: markdown
- label: '[Label] Button'
name: button
widget: string
- name: party
label: '[Page] Party'
description: >-
This is an informational page comparing the voters results with a
political parties position.
folder: src/app/party/content
format: json
create: true
slug: '{{fields.language}}'
- label: '[Meta] Language'
name: language
hint: Select the language for this page.
widget: select
- label: English
value: en
- label: Deutsch
value: de
- label: Français
value: fr
- label: Polski
value: pl
- label: '[Meta] Page URL'
name: url
widget: string
hint: >-
An optional, localised URL which will be used for this page (e.g.
optional: true
- label: '[Meta] Site Name'
name: title
widget: string
hint: The name for the page that will appear in the browser tab.
- label: Subtitle
name: subtitle
widget: string
- label: '[Label] Back button'
name: backButtonLabel
widget: string
- label: '[Label] Legend'
name: legendLabel
widget: string
- label: Answer
name: partyAnswer
widget: string
- label: Table Heading
name: tableHeading
widget: string
- label: Table User Description
name: tableUser
widget: string
- name: about
label: '[Page] About us'
description: The about us page.
folder: src/app/about/content
format: json
create: true
slug: '{{fields.language}}'
- label: '[Meta] Language'
name: language
hint: Select the language for this page.
widget: select
- label: English
value: en
- label: Deutsch
value: de
- label: Français
value: fr
- label: Polski
value: pl
- label: '[Meta] Page URL'
name: url
widget: string
hint: >-
An optional, localised URL which will be used for this page (e.g.
optional: true
- label: '[Meta] Site Name'
name: title
widget: string
hint: The name for the page that will appear in the browser tab.
- label: Headline
name: headline
widget: string
- label: Content
name: content
widget: string
- label: Headline for development and design
name: devDesign
widget: string
- name: faq
label: '[Page] FAQ'
description: The FAQ page.
folder: src/app/faq/content
format: json
create: true
slug: '{{fields.language}}'
- label: '[Meta] Language'
name: language
hint: Select the language for this page.
widget: select
- label: English
value: en
- label: Deutsch
value: de
- label: Français
value: fr
- label: Polski
value: pl
- label: '[Meta] Page URL'
name: url
widget: string
hint: >-
An optional, localised URL which will be used for this page (e.g.
optional: true
- label: '[Meta] Site Name'
name: title
widget: string
hint: The name for the page that will appear in the browser tab.
- label: Headline
name: headline
widget: string
- label: Questions
name: questions
widget: list
- label: Title
name: title
widget: string
- label: Answer
name: answer
widget: markdown
- name: press
label: '[Page] Press'
description: Press page.
folder: src/app/press/content
format: json
create: true
slug: '{{fields.language}}'
- label: '[Meta] Language'
name: language
hint: Select the language for this page.
widget: select
- label: English
value: en
- label: Deutsch
value: de
- label: Français
value: fr
- label: Polski
value: pl
- label: '[Meta] Page URL'
name: url
widget: string
hint: >-
An optional, localised URL which will be used for this page (e.g.
optional: true
- label: '[Meta] Site Name'
name: title
widget: string
hint: The name for the page that will appear in the browser tab.
- label: Headline
name: headline
widget: string
- label: Content
name: content
widget: markdown
- name: privacy
label: '[Page] Data Privacy'
description: The data privacy page.
folder: src/app/privacy/content
format: json
create: true
slug: '{{fields.language}}'
- label: '[Meta] Language'
name: language
hint: Select the language for this page.
widget: select
- label: English
value: en
- label: Deutsch
value: de
- label: Français
value: fr
- label: Polski
value: pl
- label: '[Meta] Page URL'
name: url
widget: string
hint: >-
An optional, localised URL which will be used for this page (e.g.
optional: true
- label: '[Meta] Site Name'
name: title
widget: string
hint: The name for the page that will appear in the browser tab.
- label: Headline
name: headline
widget: string
- label: Topics
name: topics
widget: list
- label: Title
name: title
widget: string
- label: Content
name: content
widget: markdown
- name: imprint
label: '[Page] Imprint'
description: Subpage for legal notice.
folder: src/app/imprint/content
format: json
create: true
slug: '{{fields.language}}'
- label: '[Meta] Language'
name: language
hint: Select the language for this page.
widget: select
- label: English
value: en
- label: Deutsch
value: de
- label: Français
value: fr
- label: Polski
value: pl
- label: '[Meta] Page URL'
name: url
widget: string
hint: >-
An optional, localised URL which will be used for this page (e.g.
optional: true
- label: '[Meta] Site Name'
name: title
widget: string
hint: The name for the page that will appear in the browser tab.
- label: Headline
name: headline
widget: string
- label: Content
name: content
widget: list
- label: Title
name: title
widget: string
- label: Content
name: content
widget: markdown
- name: fourzerofour
label: '[Page] 404'
description: Error page when the user (accidentally) reaches a nonexistent page.
folder: src/app/404/content
format: json
create: true
slug: '{{fields.language}}'
- label: '[Meta] Language'
name: language
hint: Select the language for this page.
widget: select
- label: English
value: en
- label: Deutsch
value: de
- label: Français
value: fr
- label: Polski
value: pl
- label: '[Meta] Site Name'
name: title
widget: string
hint: The name for the page that will appear in the browser tab.
- label: Headline
name: headline
widget: string
- label: Content
name: content
widget: markdown
- label: '[Label] Button'
name: button
widget: string
- name: settings
label: Settings
description: 'Overall settings for all pages (e.g. menu labels, social media, ...)'
folder: src/data/meta
format: json
create: true
slug: '{{fields.language}}'
- label: '[Meta] Language'
name: language
hint: Select the language for this page.
widget: select
- label: English
value: en
- label: Deutsch
value: de
- label: Français
value: fr
- label: Polski
value: pl
- label: Top Navigation
name: topMenu
widget: object
hint: The main navigation for the website.
- label: '[Label] Introduction'
name: index
widget: string
- label: '[Label] FAQ'
name: faq
widget: string
- label: '[Label] About us'
name: about
widget: string
- label: '[Label] Press'
name: press
widget: string
- label: Footer Navigation
name: footerMenu
widget: object
hint: The footer navigation for the website.
- label: '[Label] Imprint'
name: imprint
widget: string
- label: '[Label] Data privacy'
name: privacy
widget: string
- label: Social Media Share Text
name: socialMedia
widget: object
hint: These are the default texts which get used to share.
- label: Twitter
name: twitter
widget: string
- label: Facebook
name: facebook
widget: string
- label: Clipboard
name: clipboard
widget: string
- label: Cookie Consent Layer
name: cookieConsent
widget: object
hint: The text which is shown in the cookie consent layer.
- label: Text
name: text
widget: text
- label: '[Button] Decline'
name: btnDecline
widget: string
- label: '[Button] Accept'
name: btnAccept
widget: string