Fix "used before it was defined" warning

* updated react-scripts (fix eslint-plugin problems)
* reorder functions where needed
This commit is contained in:
Christoph Lienhard 2021-02-07 16:45:59 +01:00
parent c12aadef04
commit b26d6d6e69
Signed by: christoph.lienhard
GPG Key ID: 6B98870DDC270884
9 changed files with 7625 additions and 3538 deletions

View File

@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ parserOptions:
- react
- '@typescript-eslint'
rules: {}
no-use-before-define: off
- error
version: detect

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"react": "^16.13.1",
"react-dom": "^16.13.1",
"react-router-dom": "^5.2.0",
"react-scripts": "^3.4.4",
"react-scripts": "^4.0.2",
"typescript": "^3.8",
"notistack": "^1.0.3"

View File

@ -5,22 +5,6 @@ import { Redirect, Route, RouteProps, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
import SignIn from "./components/SignIn";
import SignUp from "./components/SignUp";
function App(): React.ReactElement {
return (
<PrivateRoute exact path={"/"}>
<Main />
<NotLoggedInOnlyRoute path={"/login"}>
<SignIn />
<NotLoggedInOnlyRoute path={"/signup"}>
<SignUp />
export const isLoggedIn = (): boolean => !!localStorage.getItem("token");
function PrivateRoute({ children, }: RouteProps) {
@ -62,4 +46,20 @@ function NotLoggedInOnlyRoute({ children, }: RouteProps) {
function App(): React.ReactElement {
return (
<PrivateRoute exact path={"/"}>
<Main />
<NotLoggedInOnlyRoute path={"/login"}>
<SignIn />
<NotLoggedInOnlyRoute path={"/signup"}>
<SignUp />
export default App;

View File

@ -33,6 +33,22 @@ const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
export const getIconForPosition = (
position: CandidatePosition,
props?: SvgIconProps
): JSX.Element => {
switch (position) {
case CandidatePosition.positive:
return <ThumbUpIcon {...props} />;
case CandidatePosition.neutral:
return <RadioButtonUncheckedIcon {...props} />;
case CandidatePosition.negative:
return <ThumbDown {...props} />;
case CandidatePosition.skipped:
return <CloseIcon {...props} />;
export function CandidatePositionLegend(): React.ReactElement {
const classes = useStyles();
@ -57,19 +73,3 @@ export function CandidatePositionLegend(): React.ReactElement {
export const getIconForPosition = (
position: CandidatePosition,
props?: SvgIconProps
): JSX.Element => {
switch (position) {
case CandidatePosition.positive:
return <ThumbUpIcon {...props} />;
case CandidatePosition.neutral:
return <RadioButtonUncheckedIcon {...props} />;
case CandidatePosition.negative:
return <ThumbDown {...props} />;
case CandidatePosition.skipped:
return <CloseIcon {...props} />;

View File

@ -8,23 +8,6 @@ export interface SignUpError {
passwordInvalid: boolean;
const parseErrorMessage = (error: ApolloError): string => {
let result = "Sign-up failed because of the following reason(s): ";
if (isEmailAlreadyUsed(error)) {
result += "The E-Mail is already in use. ";
if (isFirstNameInvalid(error)) {
result += "The provided 'First Name' is invalid. ";
if (isLastNameInvalid(error)) {
result += "The provided 'Last Name' is invalid. ";
if (isPasswordInvalid(error)) {
result += "The provided password is invalid. ";
return result;
const isEmailAlreadyUsed = (error: ApolloError): boolean => {
const errorMessage = error.message.toLowerCase();
@ -53,6 +36,23 @@ const isPasswordInvalid = (error: ApolloError): boolean => {
return errorMessage.includes("invalid") && errorMessage.includes("password");
const parseErrorMessage = (error: ApolloError): string => {
let result = "Sign-up failed because of the following reason(s): ";
if (isEmailAlreadyUsed(error)) {
result += "The E-Mail is already in use. ";
if (isFirstNameInvalid(error)) {
result += "The provided 'First Name' is invalid. ";
if (isLastNameInvalid(error)) {
result += "The provided 'Last Name' is invalid. ";
if (isPasswordInvalid(error)) {
result += "The provided password is invalid. ";
return result;
export const errorHandler = (
error: undefined | ApolloError
): undefined | SignUpError => {

View File

@ -1,10 +1,29 @@
type UserRole = "candymat_editor" | "candymat_candidate" | "candymat_person";
interface JwtPayload {
role: UserRole;
person_row_id: number;
exp: number;
iat: number;
aud: "postgraphile";
iss: "postgraphile";
const claims = ["role", "person_row_id", "exp", "iat", "aud", "iss"];
const userRoles = ["candymat_editor", "candymat_candidate", "candymat_person"];
export const getRawJsonWebToken = (): string | null => {
return localStorage.getItem("token");
export const getJsonWebToken = (): JwtPayload | null => {
const rawToken = getRawJsonWebToken();
return rawToken ? parseJwt(rawToken) : null;
export const isJwtPayloadValid = (jwtPayload: JwtPayload): boolean => {
return (
claims.every((claim) => Object.keys(jwtPayload).includes(claim)) &&
userRoles.includes(jwtPayload.role) &&
typeof jwtPayload.person_row_id === "number" &&
typeof jwtPayload.exp === "number" &&
typeof jwtPayload.iat === "number"
export const parseJwt = (token: string): JwtPayload | null => {
@ -24,26 +43,7 @@ export const parseJwt = (token: string): JwtPayload | null => {
export const isJwtPayloadValid = (jwtPayload: JwtPayload): boolean => {
return (
claims.every((claim) => Object.keys(jwtPayload).includes(claim)) &&
userRoles.includes(jwtPayload.role) &&
typeof jwtPayload.person_row_id === "number" &&
typeof jwtPayload.exp === "number" &&
typeof jwtPayload.iat === "number"
export const getJsonWebToken = (): JwtPayload | null => {
const rawToken = getRawJsonWebToken();
return rawToken ? parseJwt(rawToken) : null;
const claims = ["role", "person_row_id", "exp", "iat", "aud", "iss"];
const userRoles = ["candymat_editor", "candymat_candidate", "candymat_person"];
interface JwtPayload {
role: UserRole;
person_row_id: number;
exp: number;
iat: number;
aud: "postgraphile";
iss: "postgraphile";
type UserRole = "candymat_editor" | "candymat_candidate" | "candymat_person";

View File

@ -25,40 +25,6 @@ type Config = {
onUpdate?: (registration: ServiceWorkerRegistration) => void;
export function register(config?: Config): void {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" && "serviceWorker" in navigator) {
// The URL constructor is available in all browsers that support SW.
const publicUrl = new URL(process.env.PUBLIC_URL, window.location.href);
if (publicUrl.origin !== window.location.origin) {
// Our service worker won't work if PUBLIC_URL is on a different origin
// from what our page is served on. This might happen if a CDN is used to
// serve assets; see
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
const swUrl = `${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/service-worker.js`;
if (isLocalhost) {
// This is running on localhost. Let's check if a service worker still exists or not.
checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl, config);
// Add some additional logging to localhost, pointing developers to the
// service worker/PWA documentation.
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(() => {
"This web app is being served cache-first by a service " +
"worker. To learn more, visit"
} else {
// Is not localhost. Just register service worker
registerValidSW(swUrl, config);
function registerValidSW(swUrl: string, config?: Config) {
@ -133,6 +99,40 @@ function checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl: string, config?: Config) {
export function register(config?: Config): void {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" && "serviceWorker" in navigator) {
// The URL constructor is available in all browsers that support SW.
const publicUrl = new URL(process.env.PUBLIC_URL, window.location.href);
if (publicUrl.origin !== window.location.origin) {
// Our service worker won't work if PUBLIC_URL is on a different origin
// from what our page is served on. This might happen if a CDN is used to
// serve assets; see
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
const swUrl = `${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/service-worker.js`;
if (isLocalhost) {
// This is running on localhost. Let's check if a service worker still exists or not.
checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl, config);
// Add some additional logging to localhost, pointing developers to the
// service worker/PWA documentation.
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(() => {
"This web app is being served cache-first by a service " +
"worker. To learn more, visit"
} else {
// Is not localhost. Just register service worker
registerValidSW(swUrl, config);
export function unregister(): void {
if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"],
"lib": [
"allowJs": true,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
@ -13,7 +17,10 @@
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"isolatedModules": true,
"noEmit": true,
"jsx": "react"
"jsx": "react",
"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true
"include": ["src"]
"include": [