From d2eaf3bd982b3105f7ab1a16474c80d0ffc8b432 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christoph Lienhard Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 17:49:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] #17 unfinished --- backend/db/sql/04_setup_authentication.sql | 59 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+) diff --git a/backend/db/sql/04_setup_authentication.sql b/backend/db/sql/04_setup_authentication.sql index 80d5a46..4669a32 100644 --- a/backend/db/sql/04_setup_authentication.sql +++ b/backend/db/sql/04_setup_authentication.sql @@ -90,3 +90,62 @@ $$ language plpgsql strict security definer; grant execute on function candymat_data.authenticate(text, text) to candymat_anonymous, candymat_person; +-- Change password +drop function if exists candymat_data.change_password; +create function candymat_data.change_password( + email text, + old_password text, + new_password text +) returns candymat_data.jwt_token as +$$ +declare + account candymat_data_privat.person_account; + declare person candymat_data.person; +begin + select a.* + into account + from candymat_data_privat.person_account as a + where = $1; + + select p.* + into person + from candymat_data.person as p + where p.row_id = account.person_row_id; + + if account.password_hash = crypt(old_password, account.password_hash) then + + select * + from candymat_data.person + where row_id = nullif(current_setting('', true), '')::integer + + return (person.role, account.person_row_id, + extract(epoch from (now() + interval '2 days')))::candymat_data.jwt_token; + else + return null; + end if; +end; +$$ language plpgsql strict + security definer; +grant execute on function candymat_data.change_role(integer, candymat_data.role) to candymat_editor; + +-- Change role: Changes role for a given user. Only editors are allowed to use it. +drop function if exists candymat_data.change_role; +create function candymat_data.change_role( + person_row_id integer, + new_role candymat_data.role +) + returns candymat_data.person as +$$ +declare + person candymat_data.person; +begin + update candymat_data.person + set role = new_role + where candymat_data.person.row_id = $1 + returning * into person; + + return person; +end; +$$ language plpgsql strict + security definer; +grant execute on function candymat_data.change_role(integer, candymat_data.role) to candymat_editor;