Rename candymat -> kandimat everywhere

Furthermore, submodule link to new public repo
This commit is contained in:
Christoph Lienhard 2022-02-02 13:13:34 +01:00
parent fafc3722cd
commit f7a56a0bed
26 changed files with 174 additions and 174 deletions

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Backend vars

.gitmodules vendored
View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
[submodule "candymat-user-app"]
path = candymat-user-app
url =
branch = develop-candymat
path = kandimat-user-app
url =
branch = main

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Candymat - Wahl-o-Mat fuer Personalwahlen
# Kandimat - Wahl-o-Mat fuer Personalwahlen
## Introduction
The candymat is a Wahl-o-Mat for elections of candidates.
The kandimat is a Wahl-o-Mat for elections of candidates.
## Services
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ and is used to find the perfect candidate for everyone who is allowed to vote.
It is written in vue.js.
See also: [Service Readme](
See also: [Service Readme](
### Postgraphile (Backend)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ For more on this (e.g. how to use the graphQl api by yourself) see [backend read
### Check-out repository
* [Install git](
* `git clone`
* `git clone`
* To get the (external) user-app source:
git submodule update --init
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ docker-compose up
To start with a clean database, either delete the volume from the postgres configuration in the compose file
or run
docker container rm candymat_postgres_1
docker volume rm candymat_db-data
docker container rm kandimat_postgres_1
docker volume rm kandimat_db-data
before starting docker-compose.

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Candymat Backend
# Kandimat Backend
The candymat backend consists of a postgres database and a [postgraphile]( instance.
The kandimat backend consists of a postgres database and a [postgraphile]( instance.
Postgraphile generates a Graphql backend based on the underlying postgres schema.
## Introduction
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ in setups where there is no public access to the data.
#### Authentication
Authentication is handled via jwt.
The candymat setup roughly follows the instructions in the [postgraphile docu](
The kandimat setup roughly follows the instructions in the [postgraphile docu](
## Manually test the backend

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Postgres database setup
# Password is handled by docker-compose

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
docker-compose stop postgres
CONTAINER=$(docker image rm candymat-postgres:11.5 2> >(grep -P '[a-f0-9]{12}' -o) | head -1)
CONTAINER=$(docker image rm kandimat-postgres:11.5 2> >(grep -P '[a-f0-9]{12}' -o) | head -1)
echo "Going to remove container: $CONTAINER"
docker container rm $CONTAINER
docker image rm candymat-postgres:11.5
docker image rm kandimat-postgres:11.5
echo "Deleting db-data docker volumes ..."
VOLUMES=$(docker volume ls -q | grep "db-data")
for volume in ${VOLUMES[@]}; do

View file

@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
\connect candymat_db
\connect kandimat_db
-- Create schema for candymat_data
create SCHEMA candymat_data;
create SCHEMA candymat_data_privat;
-- Create schema for kandimat_data
create SCHEMA kandimat_data;
create SCHEMA kandimat_data_privat;
-- create roles
create role candymat_person;
create role candymat_anonymous;
create role candymat_editor;
create role candymat_candidate;
create role kandimat_person;
create role kandimat_anonymous;
create role kandimat_editor;
create role kandimat_candidate;
grant candymat_editor to candymat_postgraphile;
grant candymat_candidate to candymat_postgraphile;
grant candymat_person to candymat_postgraphile, candymat_candidate, candymat_editor;
grant candymat_anonymous to candymat_postgraphile;
grant kandimat_editor to kandimat_postgraphile;
grant kandimat_candidate to kandimat_postgraphile;
grant kandimat_person to kandimat_postgraphile, kandimat_candidate, kandimat_editor;
grant kandimat_anonymous to kandimat_postgraphile;
create type candymat_data.role as enum (
create type kandimat_data.role as enum (
-- set table wide permissions
grant usage on schema candymat_data to candymat_anonymous, candymat_person;
grant usage on schema kandimat_data to kandimat_anonymous, kandimat_person;
-- make functions non executeable w/o further checks
alter default privileges revoke execute on functions from public;

View file

@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-- create table for users
create table candymat_data.person
create table kandimat_data.person
row_id serial primary key,
first_name character varying(200) check (first_name <> ''),
last_name character varying(200) check (last_name <> ''),
about character varying(2000),
created_at timestamp default now(),
role candymat_data.role not null default 'candymat_person'
role kandimat_data.role not null default 'kandimat_person'
grant select, update, delete on table candymat_data.person to candymat_person;
grant select, update, delete on table kandimat_data.person to kandimat_person;
-- the following is only necessary as long as anonymous should be able to view candidates and editors
grant select on table candymat_data.person to candymat_anonymous;
grant select on table kandimat_data.person to kandimat_anonymous;
-- create table for accounts
create table candymat_data_privat.person_account
create table kandimat_data_privat.person_account
person_row_id integer primary key references candymat_data.person (row_id) on delete cascade,
person_row_id integer primary key references kandimat_data.person (row_id) on delete cascade,
email character varying(320) not null unique check (email ~* '^.+@.+\..+$'),
password_hash character varying(256) not null
alter table candymat_data.person
alter table kandimat_data.person
enable row level security;
create policy update_person on candymat_data.person for update to candymat_person
create policy update_person on kandimat_data.person for update to kandimat_person
with check (row_id = nullif(current_setting('', true), '')::integer);
create policy delete_person on candymat_data.person for delete to candymat_person
create policy delete_person on kandimat_data.person for delete to kandimat_person
using (row_id = nullif(current_setting('', true), '')::integer);
-- The following enables viewing candidates and editors information for every person.
-- This may be changed to only enable registered (and verified) persons.
create policy select_person_public
on candymat_data.person
on kandimat_data.person
for select
to candymat_anonymous, candymat_person -- maybe change to candymat_person only in the future
using (role in ('candymat_editor', 'candymat_candidate'));
to kandimat_anonymous, kandimat_person -- maybe change to kandimat_person only in the future
using (role in ('kandimat_editor', 'kandimat_candidate'));
-- Editors can see all registered persons in order to elevate their privileges
create policy select_person_editor
on candymat_data.person
on kandimat_data.person
for select
to candymat_editor
to kandimat_editor
using (true);

View file

@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-- create table for categories
create table candymat_data.category
create table kandimat_data.category
row_id serial primary key,
title character varying(300) UNIQUE NOT NULL check ( title <> '' ),
description character varying(15000)
grant select on table candymat_data.category to candymat_person;
-- the following line is only necessary as long as the candymat should be publicly accessible
grant select on table candymat_data.category to candymat_anonymous;
grant insert, update, delete on table candymat_data.category to candymat_editor;
grant usage on sequence candymat_data.category_row_id_seq to candymat_editor;
grant select on table kandimat_data.category to kandimat_person;
-- the following line is only necessary as long as the kandimat should be publicly accessible
grant select on table kandimat_data.category to kandimat_anonymous;
grant insert, update, delete on table kandimat_data.category to kandimat_editor;
grant usage on sequence kandimat_data.category_row_id_seq to kandimat_editor;
-- create table for questions
create table candymat_data.question
create table kandimat_data.question
row_id serial primary key,
category_row_id integer REFERENCES candymat_data.category (row_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL,
category_row_id integer REFERENCES kandimat_data.category (row_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL,
title character varying(3000) UNIQUE NOT NULL check ( title <> '' ),
description character varying(15000)
grant select on table candymat_data.question to candymat_person;
-- the following line is only necessary as long as the candymat should be publicly accessible
grant select on table candymat_data.question to candymat_anonymous;
grant insert, update, delete on table candymat_data.question to candymat_editor;
grant usage on sequence candymat_data.question_row_id_seq to candymat_editor;
grant select on table kandimat_data.question to kandimat_person;
-- the following line is only necessary as long as the kandimat should be publicly accessible
grant select on table kandimat_data.question to kandimat_anonymous;
grant insert, update, delete on table kandimat_data.question to kandimat_editor;
grant usage on sequence kandimat_data.question_row_id_seq to kandimat_editor;
-- create table for answers
create table candymat_data.answer
create table kandimat_data.answer
question_row_id integer REFERENCES candymat_data.question (row_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
person_row_id integer REFERENCES candymat_data.person (row_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
question_row_id integer REFERENCES kandimat_data.question (row_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
person_row_id integer REFERENCES kandimat_data.person (row_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
position integer NOT NULL check (position between 0 and 3),
text character varying(15000),
created_at timestamp default now(),
primary key (question_row_id, person_row_id)
grant select on table candymat_data.answer to candymat_person;
-- the following line is only necessary as long as the candymat should be publicly accessible
grant select on table candymat_data.answer to candymat_anonymous;
grant insert, update, delete on table candymat_data.answer to candymat_candidate;
grant select on table kandimat_data.answer to kandimat_person;
-- the following line is only necessary as long as the kandimat should be publicly accessible
grant select on table kandimat_data.answer to kandimat_anonymous;
grant insert, update, delete on table kandimat_data.answer to kandimat_candidate;
alter table candymat_data.answer
alter table kandimat_data.answer
enable row level security;
create policy change_answer on candymat_data.answer to candymat_candidate
create policy change_answer on kandimat_data.answer to kandimat_candidate
using (person_row_id = nullif(current_setting('', true), '')::integer);
create policy select_answer
on candymat_data.answer
on kandimat_data.answer
for select
to candymat_anonymous, candymat_person -- maybe change to candymat_person only in the future
to kandimat_anonymous, kandimat_person -- maybe change to kandimat_person only in the future
using (true);

View file

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ create extension if not exists "pgcrypto";
-- Define JWT claim structure
drop type if exists candymat_data.jwt_token cascade;
create type candymat_data.jwt_token as
drop type if exists kandimat_data.jwt_token cascade;
create type kandimat_data.jwt_token as
role text,
person_row_id integer,
@ -12,28 +12,28 @@ create type candymat_data.jwt_token as
-- Function to get the currently logged-in person
drop function if exists candymat_data.current_person;
create function candymat_data.current_person(
) returns candymat_data.person as
drop function if exists kandimat_data.current_person;
create function kandimat_data.current_person(
) returns kandimat_data.person as
select *
from candymat_data.person
from kandimat_data.person
where row_id = nullif(current_setting('', true), '')::integer
$$ language sql stable;
grant execute on function candymat_data.current_person() to candymat_person;
grant execute on function kandimat_data.current_person() to kandimat_person;
-- Function to register a new user
drop function if exists candymat_data.register_person;
create function candymat_data.register_person(
drop function if exists kandimat_data.register_person;
create function kandimat_data.register_person(
first_name text,
last_name text,
email text,
password text
) returns candymat_data.person as
) returns kandimat_data.person as
person candymat_data.person;
person kandimat_data.person;
if (trim(register_person.first_name) <> '') is not true then
raise 'Invalid first name: ''%''', register_person.first_name;
@ -44,70 +44,70 @@ begin
if (trim(register_person.password) <> '') is not true then
raise 'Invalid password.';
end if;
insert into candymat_data.person (first_name, last_name)
insert into kandimat_data.person (first_name, last_name)
values ($1, $2)
returning * into person;
insert into candymat_data_privat.person_account (person_row_id, email, password_hash)
insert into kandimat_data_privat.person_account (person_row_id, email, password_hash)
values (person.row_id, $3, crypt($4, gen_salt('bf')));
return person;
end ;
$$ language plpgsql strict
security definer;
grant execute on function candymat_data.register_person(text, text, text, text) to candymat_anonymous;
grant execute on function kandimat_data.register_person(text, text, text, text) to kandimat_anonymous;
-- Authenticate: Login for user
drop function if exists candymat_data.authenticate;
create function candymat_data.authenticate(
drop function if exists kandimat_data.authenticate;
create function kandimat_data.authenticate(
email text,
password text
) returns candymat_data.jwt_token as
) returns kandimat_data.jwt_token as
account candymat_data_privat.person_account;
declare person candymat_data.person;
account kandimat_data_privat.person_account;
declare person kandimat_data.person;
select a.*
into account
from candymat_data_privat.person_account as a
from kandimat_data_privat.person_account as a
where = $1;
select p.*
into person
from candymat_data.person as p
from kandimat_data.person as p
where p.row_id = account.person_row_id;
if account.password_hash = crypt(password, account.password_hash) then
return (person.role, account.person_row_id,
extract(epoch from (now() + interval '2 days')))::candymat_data.jwt_token;
extract(epoch from (now() + interval '2 days')))::kandimat_data.jwt_token;
return null;
end if;
$$ language plpgsql strict
security definer;
grant execute on function candymat_data.authenticate(text, text) to candymat_anonymous, candymat_person;
grant execute on function kandimat_data.authenticate(text, text) to kandimat_anonymous, kandimat_person;
-- Change role: Changes role for a given user. Only editors are allowed to use it.
drop function if exists candymat_data.change_role;
create function candymat_data.change_role(
drop function if exists kandimat_data.change_role;
create function kandimat_data.change_role(
person_row_id integer,
new_role candymat_data.role
new_role kandimat_data.role
returns candymat_data.person as
returns kandimat_data.person as
person candymat_data.person;
person kandimat_data.person;
update candymat_data.person
update kandimat_data.person
set role = new_role
where candymat_data.person.row_id = $1
where kandimat_data.person.row_id = $1
returning * into person;
return person;
$$ language plpgsql strict security definer;
grant execute on function candymat_data.change_role(integer, candymat_data.role) to candymat_editor;
grant execute on function kandimat_data.change_role(integer, kandimat_data.role) to kandimat_editor;

View file

@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
select candymat_data.register_person(
select kandimat_data.register_person(
select candymat_data.change_role(
select kandimat_data.change_role(
select candymat_data.register_person(
select kandimat_data.register_person(
select candymat_data.change_role(
select kandimat_data.change_role(
select candymat_data.register_person(
select kandimat_data.register_person(
select candymat_data.change_role(
select kandimat_data.change_role(
select candymat_data.register_person(
select kandimat_data.register_person(
select candymat_data.change_role(
select kandimat_data.change_role(

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
insert into candymat_data.category (title, description) values
insert into kandimat_data.category (title, description) values
('Umwelt', 'Themen rund um Naturschutz usw.');
insert into candymat_data.category (title, description) values
insert into kandimat_data.category (title, description) values
('Sonstiges', '');
insert into candymat_data.question (category_row_id, title, description) values
insert into kandimat_data.question (category_row_id, title, description) values
(1, 'Was sagen Sie zur 10H Regel?', 'In Bayern dürfen Windräder nur ...');
insert into candymat_data.question (category_row_id, title, description) values
insert into kandimat_data.question (category_row_id, title, description) values
(2, 'Umgehungsstraße XY?', 'Zur Entlastung der Hauptstraße ...');

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
insert into candymat_data.answer (question_row_id, person_row_id, position, text)
insert into kandimat_data.answer (question_row_id, person_row_id, position, text)
values (1, 2, 2, 'bin dagegen');
insert into candymat_data.answer (question_row_id, person_row_id, position, text)
insert into kandimat_data.answer (question_row_id, person_row_id, position, text)
values (2, 2, 0, 'bin dafür');
insert into candymat_data.answer (question_row_id, person_row_id, position, text)
insert into kandimat_data.answer (question_row_id, person_row_id, position, text)
values (1, 3, 1, 'mir egal');
insert into candymat_data.answer (question_row_id, person_row_id, position, text)
insert into kandimat_data.answer (question_row_id, person_row_id, position, text)
values (2, 3, 3, 'keine lust mehr');

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit d7f669bc9978b0f0284bfc6d17552a75fbc13a7c

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ services:
context: ./candymat-user-app/
context: kandimat-user-app/
dockerfile: ./dev.Dockerfile
- graphql
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ services:
- frontend
image: candymat-postgres:11.5
image: kandimat-postgres:11.5
dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
context: ./backend/
@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ services:
"--host", "",
"--port", "5000",
"--schema", "candymat_data",
"--default-role", "candymat_anonymous",
"--jwt-token-identifier", "candymat_data.jwt_token",
"--schema", "kandimat_data",
"--default-role", "kandimat_anonymous",
"--jwt-token-identifier", "kandimat_data.jwt_token",
"--jwt-secret", $JWT_SECRET,

kandimat-user-app Submodule

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit dc1602b6e87c80d3c37f92bc87f02c98865895d3

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<meta name="theme-color" content="#000000" />
content="App zum Erstellen von Fragen für den Candymat"
content="App zum Erstellen von Fragen für den Kandimat"
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/logo192.png" />
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
work correctly both with client-side routing and a non-root public URL.
Learn how to configure a non-root public URL by running `npm run build`.
<title>Candymat Redaktion</title>
<title>Kandimat Redaktion</title>
<noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript>

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"short_name": "Candymat Redaktion",
"name": "Candymat Redaktions App",
"short_name": "Kandimat Redaktion",
"name": "Kandimat Redaktions App",
"icons": [
"src": "favicon.ico",

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export const getPersonsByRoleAllFilledData: GetPersonsSortedByRoleResponse = {
rowId: 1,
firstName: "Erika",
lastName: "Mustermann",
__typename: "Person",
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export const getPersonsByRoleAllFilledData: GetPersonsSortedByRoleResponse = {
rowId: 2,
firstName: "Max",
lastName: "Mustermann",
__typename: "Person",
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export const getPersonsByRoleAllFilledData: GetPersonsSortedByRoleResponse = {
rowId: 3,
firstName: "Tricia",
lastName: "McMillan",
__typename: "Person",
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export const getPersonsByRoleAllFilledData: GetPersonsSortedByRoleResponse = {
rowId: 4,
firstName: "Happy",
lastName: "User",
__typename: "Person",
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ export const getPersonsByRoleNoCandidatesData: GetPersonsSortedByRoleResponse =
rowId: 1,
firstName: "Erika",
lastName: "Mustermann",
__typename: "Person",
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ export const getPersonsByRoleNoCandidatesData: GetPersonsSortedByRoleResponse =
rowId: 2,
firstName: "Max",
lastName: "Mustermann",
__typename: "Person",
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ export const getPersonsByRoleNoCandidatesData: GetPersonsSortedByRoleResponse =
rowId: 3,
firstName: "Tricia",
lastName: "McMillan",
__typename: "Person",
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ export const getPersonsByRoleNoCandidatesData: GetPersonsSortedByRoleResponse =
rowId: 4,
firstName: "Happy",
lastName: "User",
__typename: "Person",

View file

@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ export interface BasicPersonResponse {
export const GET_PERSONS_SORTED_BY_ROLE = gql`
query AllPeople {
editors: allPeople(condition: { role: CANDYMAT_EDITOR }) {
editors: allPeople(condition: { role: KANDIMAT_EDITOR }) {
nodes {
candidates: allPeople(condition: { role: CANDYMAT_CANDIDATE }) {
candidates: allPeople(condition: { role: KANDIMAT_CANDIDATE }) {
nodes {
users: allPeople(condition: { role: CANDYMAT_PERSON }) {
users: allPeople(condition: { role: KANDIMAT_PERSON }) {
nodes {

View file

@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ export default function ChangeRoleMenu(
const displayRole = (role: UppercaseUserRole) => {
switch (role) {
return "zu Kandidat:in machen";
return "zu RedakteurIn machen";
return "zu Standard User machen";

View file

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function CustomAppBar(): React.ReactElement {
<MenuIcon />
<Typography variant="h6" className={classes.title}>
<ProfileMenu />

View file

@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ const baseJwt: JwtPayload = {
exp: 0,
iat: 0,
iss: "postgraphile",
role: "candymat_person",
role: "kandimat_person",
person_row_id: 3,
describe("As an editor, the main page", () => {
const jwt: JwtPayload = {
role: "candymat_editor",
role: "kandimat_editor",
person_row_id: 1,
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ describe("As a candidate, the main page", () => {
test("displays the candidate's home page ", () => {
const jwt: JwtPayload = {
role: "candymat_candidate",
role: "kandimat_candidate",
person_row_id: 2,
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ describe("As a simple user, the main page", () => {
test("displays the user's home page.", () => {
const jwt: JwtPayload = {
role: "candymat_person",
role: "kandimat_person",
person_row_id: 3,

View file

@ -51,24 +51,24 @@ function Main(props: MainProps): ReactElement {
const getHomePage = (): ReactElement => {
switch (props.userRole) {
case "candymat_editor":
case "kandimat_editor":
return <HomePageEditor loggedInUserRowId={props.loggedInUserRowId} />;
case "candymat_candidate":
case "kandimat_candidate":
return (
<HomePageCandidate loggedInPersonRowId={props.loggedInUserRowId} />
case "candymat_person":
case "kandimat_person":
return <HomePageUser />;
const getMenuOptions = (): Array<MenuOption> => {
switch (props.userRole) {
case "candymat_editor":
case "kandimat_editor":
return Object.values(editorRoutes);
case "candymat_candidate":
case "kandimat_candidate":
return Object.values(candidateRoutes);
case "candymat_person":
case "kandimat_person":
return Object.values(userRoutes);

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { parseJwt } from "./jwt";
describe("The parseJwt function", () => {
test("parses a valid candymat jwt", () => {
test("parses a valid kandimat jwt", () => {
const validJwt =
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ describe("The parseJwt function", () => {
test("returns null if role claim is invalid", () => {

View file

@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ import { client } from "../backend/helper";
type Claim = "role" | "person_row_id" | "exp" | "iat" | "aud" | "iss";
export type UppercaseUserRole =
export type UserRole =
| "candymat_editor"
| "candymat_candidate"
| "candymat_person";
| "kandimat_editor"
| "kandimat_candidate"
| "kandimat_person";
export interface JwtPayload {
role: UserRole;
@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ export interface JwtPayload {
const CLAIMS: Claim[] = ["role", "person_row_id", "exp", "iat", "aud", "iss"];
export const UPPERCASE_USER_ROLES: UppercaseUserRole[] = [
export const USER_ROLES: UserRole[] = [
export const getRawJsonWebToken = (): string | null => {