Christoph Lienhard 02845e65db Introduce JWT Authentication
Added features:
* register
* authenticate
* RLS as summarized in security_considerations.md

* Use enhanced graphiql version to be able to set authentication headers

* docker-compose.prod.yml since it is not updated for now (and we do not have a production env)
2020-05-31 14:29:17 +02:00

29 lines
844 B

\connect candymat_db
-- Create schema for candymat_data
create SCHEMA candymat_data;
create SCHEMA candymat_data_privat;
-- create roles
create role candymat_person;
create role candymat_anonymous;
create role candymat_editor;
create role candymat_candidate;
grant candymat_editor to candymat_postgraphile;
grant candymat_candidate to candymat_postgraphile;
grant candymat_person to candymat_postgraphile, candymat_candidate, candymat_editor;
grant candymat_anonymous to candymat_postgraphile;
create type candymat_data.role as enum (
-- set table wide permissions
grant usage on schema candymat_data to candymat_anonymous, candymat_person;
-- make functions non executeable w/o further checks
alter default privileges revoke execute on functions from public;