from git import Repo import os import shutil from ruamel import yaml from pprint import pprint import sys import re import json from scraper import scrapeFacebookData, scrapeInstagramData, scrapeTwitterData from time import sleep # Git repo for our data green_directory_repo = '' # folder in that repo that holds the data green_direcory_data_path = 'data/countries/de' green_directory_local_path = './cache/green-directory' def get_green_directory(): """ Clones the source of website URLs, the green directory, into the local file system using git """ if os.path.exists(green_directory_local_path): shutil.rmtree(green_directory_local_path, onerror=onerror) Repo.clone_from(green_directory_repo, green_directory_local_path) def dir_entries(): """ Iterator over all data files in the cloned green directory """ path = os.path.join(green_directory_local_path, green_direcory_data_path) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for fname in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, fname) if not filepath.endswith(".yaml"): continue with open(filepath, 'r') as yamlfile: for doc in yaml.load_all(yamlfile, Loader=yaml.Loader): yield doc def onerror(func, path, _): """ Error handler for ``shutil.rmtree``. If the error is due to an access error (read only file) it attempts to add write permission and then retries. If the error is for another reason it re-raises the error. Usage : ``shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=onerror)`` """ import stat if not os.access(path, os.W_OK): # Is the error an access error ? os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWUSR) func(path) else: raise def getFacebookName(url): if "/groups/" in url: return None if re.match(r".+-(\d)+", url): result = re.match(r".+-(\d+)", url).group(1) if len(result) < 10: print(url, "--", result, file=sys.stderr) return return result if url.split("/")[-1]: return url.split("/")[-1] elif url.split("/")[-2]: return url.split("/")[-2] def getTwitterName(url): if url.split("/")[-1]: return url.split("/")[-1] elif url.split("/")[-2]: return url.split("/")[-2] def getInstagramName(url): if url.split("/")[-1]: return url.split("/")[-1] elif url.split("/")[-2]: return url.split("/")[-2] def main(): get_green_directory() result = {} idx = 0 fbcount = 0 twtcount = 0 instacount = 0 for entry in dir_entries(): fbname = "--" fbLikes = 0 fbVerified = False twtname = "--" twtFollower = 0 twtVerified = False instaName = "--" instaFollower = 0 instaVerified = False if not entry.get("urls"): continue for url in entry["urls"]: if url["type"] == "FACEBOOK": fbname = getFacebookName(url["url"]) if fbname: try: fbLikes, fbVerified = scrapeFacebookData(fbname) sleep(0.1) except Exception as e: print("FACEBOOK ERROR for", url["url"], "--", fbname, file=sys.stderr) print(e, file=sys.stderr) continue print(" FB", fbname, fbLikes, fbVerified) fbcount += 1 elif url["type"] == "TWITTER": twtname = getTwitterName(url["url"]) try: twtFollower, twtVerified = scrapeTwitterData(twtname) sleep(0.1) except Exception as e: print("TWITTER ERROR for", url["url"], "--", twtname, file=sys.stderr) print(e, file=sys.stderr) continue twtcount += 1 print(" TWITTER", twtname, twtFollower, twtVerified) elif url["type"] == "INSTAGRAM": instaName = getInstagramName(url["url"]) try: instaFollower, instaVerified = scrapeInstagramData(instaName) sleep(0.1) except Exception as e: print("INSTAGRAM ERROR for", url["url"], "--", instaName, file=sys.stderr) print(e, file=sys.stderr) continue instacount += 1 print(" INSTA", instaName, instaFollower, instaVerified) typ = entry.get("type") level = entry.get("level", "") land = entry.get("state", "") kreis = entry.get("district", "") stadt = entry.get("city", "") if fbname is None: fbname = "--" if fbLikes + twtFollower + instaFollower > 0: key = "//".join([typ, level, land, kreis, stadt]) result.update({key: [typ, level, land, kreis, stadt, fbname, fbLikes, fbVerified, twtname, twtFollower, twtVerified, instaName, instaFollower, instaVerified]}) idx += 1 with open("docs/result.json", "w") as f: json.dump(result, f) print("facebook:", fbcount, "twitter:", twtcount, "instagram:", instacount) if __name__ == "__main__": main()