2019-09-24 16:50:18 +02:00

321 lines
12 KiB

import json
from copy import copy
from pprint import pprint
from spider import dir_entries
import difflib
from osmxtract import overpass, location
import urllib
COUNTRY_MAP = {"01": "Schleswig-Holstein",
"02": "Hamburg",
"03": "Niedersachsen",
"04": "Bremen",
"05": "Nordrhein-Westfalen",
"06": "Hessen",
"07": "Rheinland-Pfalz",
"08": "Baden-Württemberg",
"09": "Bayern",
"10": "Saarland",
"11": "Berlin",
"12": "Brandenburg",
"13": "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern",
"14": "Sachsen",
"15": "Sachsen-Anhalt",
"16": "Thüringen"}
MAPPING = {"Neustadt a.d. Aisch-Bad Windsheim": "Neustadt-Aisch",
"Märkischer Kreis": "Mark",
"Osterode am Harz": "Göttingen",
"Göttingen": "Göttingen",
"Straubing": "Straubing-Bogen",
"Straubing-Bogen": "Straubing-Bogen",
"Kaufbeuren": "Ostallgäu",
"Ostallgäu": "Ostallgäu"}
REMOVE_BW = ["08215", "08226", "08136", "08436"]
def createLVBasemap():
green_data = []
for entry in dir_entries():
if entry["type"] == "REGIONAL_CHAPTER":
if entry["level"] == "DE:LANDESVERBAND":
with open("maps/bundeslaender_simplify200.geojson", encoding='utf-8') as map_f:
maps = json.load(map_f)
result_map = copy(maps)
result_map["features"] = []
for feature in maps["features"]:
name = feature["properties"]["GEN"]
for d in green_data:
if d["state"] == name:
feature["properties"] = {}
feature["properties"]["type"] = d["type"]
feature["properties"]["level"] = d["level"]
feature["properties"]["state"] = d["state"]
with open("maps/lv_basemap.geojson", "w", encoding='utf-8') as output_f:
json.dump(result_map, output_f, indent=4)
def initialize():
map_data = []
green_data = []
with open("maps/landkreise_simplify200.geojson") as map_f:
map_data = json.load(map_f)["features"]
# add additional bw data:
map_data_copy = []
for feature in map_data:
if feature["properties"]["SN_L"] == "08" and feature["properties"]["RS"] in REMOVE_BW:
pass # don't add it
map_data = map_data_copy
with open("maps/additional_bw.geojson") as map_f:
map_data2 = json.load(map_f)["features"]
for feature in map_data2:
feature["properties"]["GEN"] = feature["properties"]["kvname"]
feature["properties"]["NBD"] = ""
feature["properties"]["BEZ"] = ""
feature["properties"]["SN_L"] = "08"
map_data += map_data2
for entry in dir_entries():
if entry["type"] == "REGIONAL_CHAPTER":
if entry["level"] == "DE:KREISVERBAND":
if entry["level"] == "DE:REGIONALVERBAND":
entry["district"] = entry["region"]
return map_data, green_data
def generateMapping(map_data_local, green_data_local):
# print("-----------------------------")
# for d in green_data_local:
# print(d["district"])
# print("----")
# for d in map_data_local:
# name = d["properties"]["GEN"]
# if d["properties"]["NBD"] == "ja":
# fullname = d["properties"]["BEZ"] +" " + d["properties"]["GEN"]
# else:
# fullname = d["properties"]["GEN"]
# print(fullname)
# print("-----------------------------")
mapping = [-1] * len(map_data_local)
mapCount = [0] * len(green_data_local)
# ------------------------------------------
# match predefined
# ------------------------------------------
for i, d in enumerate(map_data_local):
name = d["properties"]["GEN"]
if MAPPING.get(name):
mapName = MAPPING[name]
for j, entry in enumerate(green_data_local):
if mapName == entry["district"]:
mapping[i] = j
mapCount[j] += 1
# ------------------------------------------
# match full name
# ------------------------------------------
mapCount_copy = copy(mapCount)
for i, d in enumerate(map_data_local):
if d["properties"]["NBD"] == "ja":
fullname = d["properties"]["BEZ"] +" " + d["properties"]["GEN"]
fullname = d["properties"]["GEN"]
for j, entry in enumerate(green_data_local):
if mapCount_copy[j] == 0:
if fullname == entry["district"]:
mapping[i] = j
mapCount[j] += 1
# ------------------------------------------
# match -Land and -Stadt entries
# ------------------------------------------
mapCount_copy = copy(mapCount)
for i, d in enumerate(map_data_local):
if mapping[i] == -1:
name = d["properties"]["GEN"]
for j, entry in enumerate(green_data_local):
if mapCount_copy[j] == 0:
district_name = entry["district"]
if district_name.endswith("-Stadt") and "stadt" in d["properties"]["BEZ"].lower():
if name == district_name[:-6]:
mapping[i] = j
mapCount[j] += 1
if district_name.endswith("-Land") and "land" in d["properties"]["BEZ"].lower():
if name == district_name[:-5]:
mapping[i] = j
mapCount[j] += 1
# ------------------------------------------
# match short name
# ------------------------------------------
mapCount_copy = copy(mapCount)
for i, d in enumerate(map_data_local):
if mapping[i] == -1:
name = d["properties"]["GEN"]
for j, entry in enumerate(green_data_local):
if mapCount_copy[j] == 0:
if name == entry["district"]:
mapping[i] = j
mapCount[j] += 1
# ------------------------------------------
# match entries ending with "kreis"
# ------------------------------------------
mapCount_copy = copy(mapCount)
for i, d in enumerate(map_data_local):
if mapping[i] == -1:
name = d["properties"]["GEN"]
if name.endswith("-Kreis"):
name = name[:-6]
if name.lower().endswith("kreis"):
name = name[:-5]
for j, entry in enumerate(green_data_local):
if mapCount_copy[j] == 0:
if name == entry["district"]:
mapping[i] = j
mapCount[j] += 1
# ------------------------------------------
# match containing substrings
# ------------------------------------------
mapCount_copy = copy(mapCount)
for i, d in enumerate(map_data_local):
if mapping[i] == -1:
name = d["properties"]["GEN"]
for j, entry in enumerate(green_data_local):
if mapCount_copy[j] == 0:
name2 = entry["district"]
if name in name2 or name2 in name:
mapping[i] = j
mapCount[j] += 1
# ------------------------------------------
# match with string similarity
# ------------------------------------------
mapCount_copy = copy(mapCount)
for i, d in enumerate(map_data_local):
if mapping[i] == -1:
name = d["properties"]["GEN"]
for j, entry in enumerate(green_data_local):
if mapCount_copy[j] == 0:
similarity = difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=entry["district"].lower(), b=name.lower()).ratio()
if similarity > 0.6:
mapping[i] = j
mapCount[j] += 1
remaining = len([e for e in mapping if e == -1])
print("Remaining:", remaining)
if remaining == 0:
return mapping
for j, entry in enumerate(green_data_local):
if mapCount[j] == 0:
for i, d in enumerate(map_data_local):
if mapping[i] == -1:
if d["properties"]["NBD"] == "ja":
fullname = d["properties"]["BEZ"] +" " + d["properties"]["GEN"]
fullname = d["properties"]["GEN"]
print(fullname, "--", d["properties"]["GEN"], "--")
return mapping
def preprocess():
map_data, green_data = initialize()
all_mapping_data = {}
for countrycode in COUNTRY_MAP.keys():
countryname = COUNTRY_MAP[countrycode]
if countryname in ["Berlin", "Bremen", "Hamburg"]:
green_data_local = []
for d in green_data:
if d["state"] == countryname:
map_data_local = []
for d in map_data:
if d["properties"]["SN_L"] == countrycode:
mapping = generateMapping(map_data_local, green_data_local)
all_mapping_data[countrycode] = {"map_data_local": map_data_local,
"green_data_local": green_data_local,
"mapping": mapping}
return all_mapping_data
def createKVBasemap():
all_mapping_data = preprocess()
result_features = []
for countrycode in all_mapping_data.keys():
for i, feature in enumerate(all_mapping_data[countrycode]["map_data_local"]):
entry_idx = all_mapping_data[countrycode]["mapping"][i]
if entry_idx != -1:
entry = all_mapping_data[countrycode]["green_data_local"][entry_idx]
# skip not-matched map parts
feature["properties"] = {}
feature["properties"]["type"] = entry["type"]
feature["properties"]["level"] = entry["level"]
feature["properties"]["state"] = entry["state"]
feature["properties"]["district"] = entry["district"]
result_map = {"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": result_features}
with open("maps/kv_basemap.geojson", "w") as output_f:
json.dump(result_map, output_f, indent=4)
def getHamburgMap():
lat, lon = location.geocode('Hamburg, Germany')
bounds = location.from_buffer(lat, lon, buffer_size=10000)
# Build an overpass QL query and get the JSON response
query = f'[out:json][timeout:25];(relation["type"="boundary"]["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"="9"]{bounds}; ); out geom qt;'
response = overpass.request(query)
ids = []
names = []
for elem in response["elements"]:
mapdata = []
for id_, name in zip(ids, names):
url = "" + str(id_) + "&params=0"
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, './tmp.geojson')
with open('./tmp.geojson') as f:
data = json.load(f)
if __name__ == "__main__":