2019-10-25 09:52:14 +02:00

62 lines
2.4 KiB

import json
import math
def updateMaps(level="lv"):
data = {}
map_data = {}
with open("docs/result.json") as f:
data = json.load(f)
with open("maps/" + level + "_basemap.geojson") as f:
map_data = json.load(f)
fb_max = 0
tw_max = 0
in_max = 0
for feature in map_data["features"]:
p = feature["properties"]
key = "//".join([p["type"], p["level"], p["state"], p.get("district", ""), p.get("city", "")])
result = data.get(key)
social_data = {}
if result:
_, _, _ , _, _, fb_name, fb_count, fb_verified, tw_name, tw_count, tw_verified, in_name, in_count, in_verified = result
if fb_count > fb_max:
fb_max = fb_count
if tw_count > tw_max:
tw_max = tw_count
if in_count > in_max:
in_max = in_count
social_data["fb_name"] = fb_name
social_data["fb_count"] = fb_count
social_data["fb_verified"] = fb_verified
social_data["tw_name"] = tw_name
social_data["tw_count"] = tw_count
social_data["tw_verified"] = tw_verified
social_data["in_name"] = in_name
social_data["in_count"] = in_count
social_data["in_verified"] = in_verified
print(fb_max, tw_max, in_max)
for plattform, maxval, col in zip(["fb", "tw", "in"], [fb_max, tw_max, in_max], ["#3664a2", "#55acee", "#d02e92"]):
for feature in map_data["features"]:
count = feature["properties"].get(plattform + "_count", 0)
if level == "lv":
# linear for LV
feature["properties"]["fill-opacity"] = count/maxval
elif level == "kv":
# logarithmic for KV
feature["properties"]["fill-opacity"] = getLogValue(count, maxval)
feature["properties"]["fill"] = col
feature["properties"]["stroke-width"] = 0
with open("maps/" + level + "_" + plattform + ".geojson", "w") as f:
json.dump(map_data, f, indent=4)
def getLogValue(count, maxval):
multiplier = 0.1
if count * multiplier < 1:
return 0
return math.log(count*multiplier) / math.log(maxval*multiplier)
if __name__ == "__main__":