Lukas Reschke 04c7b4187a
Bump to 2.10.5
Signed-off-by: Lukas Reschke <>
2017-03-16 16:27:07 +01:00

182 lines
8.6 KiB

* Be able to get at the auth object the last processed ID
* Improve NameID Format support
* Reset errorReason attribute of the auth object after each Process method
* Validate serial number as string to work around libxml2 limitation
* Make the Issuer on the Response Optional
* [+]( Security update for signature validation on LogoutRequest/LogoutResponse
* [#192]( Added ability to configure DigestAlgorithm in settings
* [#183]( Fix strpos bug when decrypting assertions
* [#186]( Improve info on entityId validation Exception
* [#188]( Fixed issue with undefined constant of UNEXPECTED_SIGNED_ELEMENT
* Read ACS binding on AuthNRequest builder from settings
* Be able to relax Destination validation on SAMLResponses and let this
attribute to be empty with the 'relaxDestinationValidation' setting
* Implement a more specific exception class for handling some validation errors
* Minor changes on time validation/exceptions
* Add hooks to retrieve last-sent and last-received requests and responses
* Improve/Fix tests
* Add DigestAlgorithm support on addSign
* [#177]( Add error message for bad OneLogin_Saml2_Settings argument
* [#175]( Allow overriding of host, port, protocol and url path for URL building
* [#173]( Provide better support to NameIdFormat
* Fix another issue on Assertion Signature validation when the assertion contains no namespace, container has saml2 namespace and it was encrypted
* Fix error message on SignMetadata process
* Fix issue on Assertion Signature validation when the assertion contains no namespace and it was encrypted
* Several security improvements:
* Conditions element required and unique.
* AuthnStatement element required and unique.
* SPNameQualifier must math the SP EntityID
* Reject saml:Attribute element with same “Name” attribute
* Reject empty nameID
* Require Issuer element. (Must match IdP EntityID).
* Destination value can't be blank (if present must match ACS URL).
* Check that the EncryptedAssertion element only contains 1 Assertion element.
* Improve Signature validation process
* AttributeConsumingService support
* Support lowercase Urlencoding (ADFS compatibility).
* [#154]( getSelfHost no longer returns a port number
* [#156]( Use correct host on response destination fallback check
* [#158]( NEW Control usage of X-Forwarded-* headers
* Fix issue with buildRequestSignature. Added RelayState to the SignQuery only if is not null.
* Add Signature Wrapping prevention Test
* Improve _decryptAssertion in order to take care of Assertions with problems with namespaces
* Improve documentation
* [134]( PHP7 production settings compiles out assert(), throw an exception explicitly
* [132]( Add note for "wantAssertionsEncrypted"
* Update copyright on LICENSE
* Change the decrypt assertion process.
* Add 2 extra validations to prevent Signature wrapping attacks.
* Remove reference to wrong NameIDFormat: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:unspecified should be urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified
* [128]( Test php7 and upgrade phpunit
* Update Readme with more descriptive requestedAuthnContext description and Security Guidelines
* Make NameIDPolicy of AuthNRequest optional
* Make nameID requirement on SAMLResponse optional
* Fix empty URI support
* Symmetric encryption key support
* Add more Auth Context options to the constant class
* Fix DSA_SHA1 constant on xmlseclibs
* Set none requestedAuthnContext as default behaviour
* Update xmlseclibs lib
* Improve formatPrivateKey method
* Fix bug when signing metadata, the SignatureMethod was not provided
* Fix getter for lastRequestID parameter in OneLogin_Saml2_Auth class
* Add $wantEncrypted parameter on addX509KeyDescriptors method that will allow to set KeyDescriptor[use='encryption'] if wantNameIdEncrypted or wantAssertionsEncrypted enabled
* Add $stay parameter on redirectTo method. (login/logout supports $stay but I forgot add this on previous 2.7.0 version)
* Improve code style
* Trim acs, slo and issuer urls.
* Fix PHP 7 error (used continue outside a loop/switch).
* Fix bug on organization element of the SP metadata builder.
* Fix typos on documentation. Fix ALOWED Misspell.
* Be able to extract RequestID. Add RequestID validation on demo1.
* Add $stay parameter to login, logout and processSLO method.
* Fix bug on cacheDuration of the Metadata XML generated.
* Make SPNameQualifier optional on the generateNameId method. Avoid the use of SPNameQualifier when generating the NameID on the LogoutRequest builder.
* Allows the authn comparsion attribute to be set via config.
* Retrieve Session Timeout after processResponse with getSessionExpiration().
* Improve readme readability.
* Allow single log out to work for applications not leveraging php session_start. Added a callback parameter in order to close the session at processSLO.
* Set NAMEID_UNSPECIFIED as default NameIDFormat to prevent conflicts with IdPs that don't support NAMEID_PERSISTENT.
* Now the SP is able to select the algorithm to be used on signatures (DSA_SHA1, RSA_SHA1, RSA_SHA256, RSA_SHA384, RSA_SHA512).
* Change visibility of _decryptAssertion to protected.
* Update xmlseclibs library.
* Handle valid but uncommon dsig block with no URI in the reference.
* login, logout and processSLO now return ->redirectTo instead of just call it.
* Split the setting check methods. Now 1 method for IdP settings and other for SP settings.
* Let the setting object to avoid the IdP setting check. required if we want to publish SP SAML Metadata when the IdP data is still not provided.
* Do accesible the ID of the object Logout Request (id attribute).
* Add note about the fact that PHP 5.3 is unssuported.
* Add fingerprint algorithm support.
* Add dependences to composer.
* Fix wrong element order in generated metadata.
* Added SLO with nameID and SessionIndex in demo1.
* Improve isHTTPS method in order to support HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT.
* Set optional the XMLvalidation (enable/disable it with wantXMLValidation security setting).
* Resolve namespace problem. Some IdPs uses saml2p:Response and saml2:Assertion instead of samlp:Response saml:Assertion.
* Improve test and documentation.
* Improve ADFS compatibility.
* Remove unnecessary XSDs files.
* Make available the reason for the saml message invalidation.
* Adding ability to set idp cert once the Setting object initialized.
* Fix status info issue.
* Reject SAML Response if not signed and strict = false.
* Support NameId and SessionIndex in LogoutRequest.
* Add ForceAuh and IsPassive support.
* Fix bug with Encrypted nameID on LogoutRequest.
* Fixed usability bug. SP will inform about AuthFail status after process a Response.
* Added SessionIndex support on LogoutRequest, and know is accesible from the Auth class.
* LogoutRequest and LogoutResponse classes now accept non deflated xml.
* Improved the XML metadata/ Decrypted Assertion output. (prettyprint).
* Fix bug in formatPrivateKey method, the key could be not RSA.
* Explicit warning message for signed element problem.
* Decrypt method improved.
* Support more algorithm at the SigAlg in the Signed LogoutRequests and LogoutResponses
* AuthNRequest now stores ID (it can be retrieved later).
* Fixed a typo on the 'NameIdPolicy' attribute that appeared at the README and settings_example file.
* The isValid method of the Logout Request is now non-static. (affects processSLO method of Auth.php).
* Logout Request constructor now accepts encoded logout requests.
* Now after validate a message, if fails a method getError of the object will return the cause.
* Fix typos.
* Added extra parameters option to login and logout methods.
* Improve Test (new test, use the new getError method for testing).
* Bugfix namespace problem when getting Attributes.
* New PHP SAML Toolkit (SLO, Sign, Encryptation).
* Old PHP SAML Toolkit.