Arthur Schiwon 8e91cf211f
psr/container >= 1.1 breaks Symfony on PHP 7.3
Signed-off-by: Arthur Schiwon <>
2022-04-07 17:00:48 +02:00

175 lines
7.1 KiB

* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\TaggedIteratorArgument;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\TypedReference;
* Trait that allows a generic method to find and sort service by priority option in the tag.
* @author Iltar van der Berg <>
trait PriorityTaggedServiceTrait
* Finds all services with the given tag name and order them by their priority.
* The order of additions must be respected for services having the same priority,
* and knowing that the \SplPriorityQueue class does not respect the FIFO method,
* we should not use that class.
* @see
* @see
* @param string|TaggedIteratorArgument $tagName
* @return Reference[]
private function findAndSortTaggedServices($tagName, ContainerBuilder $container): array
$indexAttribute = $defaultIndexMethod = $needsIndexes = $defaultPriorityMethod = null;
if ($tagName instanceof TaggedIteratorArgument) {
$indexAttribute = $tagName->getIndexAttribute();
$defaultIndexMethod = $tagName->getDefaultIndexMethod();
$needsIndexes = $tagName->needsIndexes();
$defaultPriorityMethod = $tagName->getDefaultPriorityMethod() ?? 'getDefaultPriority';
$tagName = $tagName->getTag();
$i = 0;
$services = [];
foreach ($container->findTaggedServiceIds($tagName, true) as $serviceId => $attributes) {
$defaultPriority = null;
$defaultIndex = null;
$class = $container->getDefinition($serviceId)->getClass();
$class = $container->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($class) ?: null;
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$index = $priority = null;
if (isset($attribute['priority'])) {
$priority = $attribute['priority'];
} elseif (null === $defaultPriority && $defaultPriorityMethod && $class) {
$defaultPriority = PriorityTaggedServiceUtil::getDefaultPriority($container, $serviceId, $class, $defaultPriorityMethod, $tagName);
$priority = $priority ?? $defaultPriority ?? $defaultPriority = 0;
if (null === $indexAttribute && !$defaultIndexMethod && !$needsIndexes) {
$services[] = [$priority, ++$i, null, $serviceId, null];
continue 2;
if (null !== $indexAttribute && isset($attribute[$indexAttribute])) {
$index = $attribute[$indexAttribute];
} elseif (null === $defaultIndex && $defaultPriorityMethod && $class) {
$defaultIndex = PriorityTaggedServiceUtil::getDefaultIndex($container, $serviceId, $class, $defaultIndexMethod ?? 'getDefaultName', $tagName, $indexAttribute);
$index = $index ?? $defaultIndex ?? $defaultIndex = $serviceId;
$services[] = [$priority, ++$i, $index, $serviceId, $class];
uasort($services, static function ($a, $b) { return $b[0] <=> $a[0] ?: $a[1] <=> $b[1]; });
$refs = [];
foreach ($services as [, , $index, $serviceId, $class]) {
if (!$class) {
$reference = new Reference($serviceId);
} elseif ($index === $serviceId) {
$reference = new TypedReference($serviceId, $class);
} else {
$reference = new TypedReference($serviceId, $class, ContainerBuilder::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE, $index);
if (null === $index) {
$refs[] = $reference;
} else {
$refs[$index] = $reference;
return $refs;
* @internal
class PriorityTaggedServiceUtil
* Gets the index defined by the default index method.
public static function getDefaultIndex(ContainerBuilder $container, string $serviceId, string $class, string $defaultIndexMethod, string $tagName, ?string $indexAttribute): ?string
if (!($r = $container->getReflectionClass($class)) || !$r->hasMethod($defaultIndexMethod)) {
return null;
if (null !== $indexAttribute) {
$service = $class !== $serviceId ? sprintf('service "%s"', $serviceId) : 'on the corresponding service';
$message = [sprintf('Either method "%s::%s()" should ', $class, $defaultIndexMethod), sprintf(' or tag "%s" on %s is missing attribute "%s".', $tagName, $service, $indexAttribute)];
} else {
$message = [sprintf('Method "%s::%s()" should ', $class, $defaultIndexMethod), '.'];
if (!($rm = $r->getMethod($defaultIndexMethod))->isStatic()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(implode('be static', $message));
if (!$rm->isPublic()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(implode('be public', $message));
$defaultIndex = $rm->invoke(null);
if (!\is_string($defaultIndex)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(implode(sprintf('return a string (got "%s")', get_debug_type($defaultIndex)), $message));
return $defaultIndex;
* Gets the priority defined by the default priority method.
public static function getDefaultPriority(ContainerBuilder $container, string $serviceId, string $class, string $defaultPriorityMethod, string $tagName): ?int
if (!($r = $container->getReflectionClass($class)) || !$r->hasMethod($defaultPriorityMethod)) {
return null;
if (!($rm = $r->getMethod($defaultPriorityMethod))->isStatic()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Either method "%s::%s()" should be static or tag "%s" on service "%s" is missing attribute "priority".', $class, $defaultPriorityMethod, $tagName, $serviceId));
if (!$rm->isPublic()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Either method "%s::%s()" should be public or tag "%s" on service "%s" is missing attribute "priority".', $class, $defaultPriorityMethod, $tagName, $serviceId));
$defaultPriority = $rm->invoke(null);
if (!\is_int($defaultPriority)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Method "%s::%s()" should return an integer (got "%s") or tag "%s" on service "%s" is missing attribute "priority".', $class, $defaultPriorityMethod, get_debug_type($defaultPriority), $tagName, $serviceId));
return $defaultPriority;