Valdnet 94e1b17ecd
l10n: Spelling unification
Signed-off-by: Valdnet <>
2022-09-04 15:52:57 +02:00

213 lines
10 KiB

script('user_saml', 'admin');
style('user_saml', 'admin');
/** @var array $_ */
<form id="user-saml" class="section" action="#" method="post" data-type="<?php p($_['type']) ?>">
<h2 class="inlineblock"><?php p($l->t('SSO & SAML authentication')); ?></h2>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class="icon-info"
title="<?php p($l->t('Open documentation'));?>"
<div id="user-saml-save-indicator" class="msg success inlineblock" style="display: none;"><?php p($l->t('Saved')); ?></div>
<div class="warning hidden" id="user-saml-warning-admin-user">
$url = \OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkToRouteAbsolute('core.login.showLoginForm') . '?direct=1';
$url = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . \OCP\Util::sanitizeHTML($url) . '</a>';
if (isset($_['general']['allow_multiple_user_back_ends']['text'])) {
'Make sure to configure an administrative user that can access the instance via SSO. Logging-in with your regular %s account will not be possible anymore, unless you enabled "%s" or you go directly to the URL %s.',
} else {
'Make sure to configure an administrative user that can access the instance via SSO. Logging-in with your regular %s account will not be possible anymore, unless you go directly to the URL %s.',
<div id="user-saml-choose-type" class="hidden">
<?php p($l->t('Please choose whether you want to authenticate using the SAML provider built-in in Nextcloud or whether you want to authenticate against an environment variable.')) ?>
<button id="user-saml-choose-saml"><?php p($l->t('Use built-in SAML authentication')) ?></button>
<button id="user-saml-choose-env"><?php p($l->t('Use environment variable')) ?></button>
<div id="user-saml-global" class="hidden">
<h3><?php p($l->t('Global settings')) ?></h3>
<?php foreach ($_['general'] as $key => $attribute): ?>
<?php if ($attribute['type'] === 'checkbox' && $attribute['global']): ?>
<input type="checkbox" data-key="<?php p($key)?>" id="user-saml-general-<?php p($key)?>" name="<?php p($key)?>" value="<?php p($attribute['value'] ?? '0') ?>">
<label for="user-saml-general-<?php p($key)?>"><?php p($attribute['text']) ?></label><br/>
<?php elseif ($attribute['type'] === 'line' && isset($attribute['global'])): ?>
<input data-key="<?php p($key)?>" name="<?php p($key) ?>" value="<?php p($attribute['value'] ?? '') ?>" type="text" <?php if (isset($attribute['required']) && $attribute['required'] === true): ?>class="required"<?php endif;?> placeholder="<?php p($attribute['text']) ?>"/>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<ul class="account-list hidden">
<?php foreach ($_['providers'] as $provider) { ?>
<li data-id="<?php p($provider['id']); ?>">
<a href="#"><?php p($provider['name']); ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<li class="remove-provider"><a data-js="remove-idp" class="icon-delete"><span class="hidden-visually"><?php p($l->t('Remove identity provider')); ?></span></a></li>
<li class="add-provider"><a href="#" class="button"><span class="icon-add"></span> <?php p($l->t('Add identity provider')); ?></a></li>
<div id="user-saml-settings" class="hidden">
<div id="user-saml-general" class="hidden">
<?php p($l->t('General')) ?>
<?php foreach ($_['general'] as $key => $attribute): ?>
<?php if ($attribute['type'] === 'checkbox' && !$attribute['global']): ?>
<input type="checkbox" data-key="<?php p($key)?>" id="user-saml-general-<?php p($key)?>" name="<?php p($key)?>" value="<?php p($_['config']['general-'.$key] ?? '0') ?>">
<label for="user-saml-general-<?php p($key)?>"><?php p($attribute['text']) ?></label><br/>
<?php elseif ($attribute['type'] === 'line' && !isset($attribute['global'])): ?>
<input data-key="<?php p($key)?>" name="<?php p($key) ?>" value="<?php p($_['config']['general-'.$key] ?? '') ?>" type="text" <?php if (isset($attribute['required']) && $attribute['required'] === true): ?>class="required"<?php endif;?> placeholder="<?php p($attribute['text']) ?>"/>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<!-- FIXME: Add "Disable timeout from SAML" switch (checked by default)-->
<div id="user-saml-sp">
<h3><?php p($l->t('Service Provider Data')) ?></h3>
<?php print_unescaped($l->t('If your Service Provider should use certificates you can optionally specify them here.')) ?>
<span class="toggle"><?php p($l->t('Show Service Provider settings…')) ?></span>
<div class="hidden">
<label for="user-saml-nameidformat"><?php p($l->t('Name ID format')) ?></label><br/>
<select id="user-saml-nameidformat"
<?php foreach ($_['name-id-formats'] as $key => $value): ?>
<option value="<?php p($key) ?>"
<?php if ($value['selected'] ?? false) {
} ?> ><?php p($value['label']) ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php foreach ($_['sp'] as $key => $text): ?>
<textarea name="<?php p($key) ?>" placeholder="<?php p($text) ?>"><?php p($_['config']['sp-'.$key] ?? '') ?></textarea>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div id="user-saml-idp">
<h3><?php p($l->t('Identity Provider Data')) ?></h3>
<?php print_unescaped($l->t('Configure your IdP settings here.')) ?>
<p><input data-key="idp-entityId" name="entityId" value="<?php p($_['config']['idp-entityId'] ?? '') ?>" type="text" class="required" placeholder="<?php p($l->t('Identifier of the IdP entity (must be a URI)')) ?>"/></p>
<p><input name="singleSignOnService.url" value="<?php p($_['config']['idp-singleSignOnService.url'] ?? '') ?>" type="text" class="required" placeholder="<?php p($l->t('URL Target of the IdP where the SP will send the Authentication Request Message')) ?>"/></p>
<p><span class="toggle"><?php p($l->t('Show optional Identity Provider settings…')) ?></span></p>
<div class="hidden">
<p><input name="singleLogoutService.url" value="<?php p($_['config']['idp-singleLogoutService.url'] ?? '') ?>" type="text" placeholder="<?php p($l->t('URL Location of the IdP where the SP will send the SLO Request')) ?>"/></p>
<p><input name="singleLogoutService.responseUrl" value="<?php p($_['config']['idp-singleLogoutService.responseUrl'] ?? '') ?>" type="text" placeholder="<?php p($l->t('URL Location of the IDP\'s SLO Response')) ?>"/></p>
<p><textarea name="x509cert" placeholder="<?php p($l->t('Public X.509 certificate of the IdP')) ?>"><?php p($_['config']['idp-x509cert'] ?? '') ?></textarea></p>
<div id="user-saml-attribute-mapping" class="hidden">
<h3><?php p($l->t('Attribute mapping')) ?></h3>
<?php print_unescaped($l->t('If you want to optionally map attributes to the user you can configure these here.')) ?>
<span class="toggle"><?php p($l->t('Show attribute mapping settings…')) ?></span>
<div class="hidden">
<?php foreach ($_['attribute-mapping'] as $key => $attribute): ?>
if ($attribute['type'] === 'line'): ?>
<input name="<?php p($key) ?>" value="<?php p($_['config']['saml-attribute-mapping-'.$key] ?? '') ?>" type="text" <?php if (isset($attribute['required']) && $attribute['required'] === true): ?>class="required"<?php endif;?> placeholder="<?php p($attribute['text']) ?>"/>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div id="user-saml-security">
<h3><?php p($l->t('Security settings')) ?></h3>
<?php print_unescaped($l->t('For increased security we recommend enabling the following settings if supported by your environment.')) ?>
<span class="toggle"><?php p($l->t('Show security settings…')) ?></span>
<div class="indent hidden">
<h4><?php p($l->t('Signatures and encryption offered')) ?></h4>
<?php foreach ($_['security-offer'] as $key => $text): ?>
<input type="checkbox" id="user-saml-<?php p($key)?>" name="<?php p($key)?>" value="<?php p($_['config']['security-'.$key] ?? '0') ?>" class="checkbox">
<label for="user-saml-<?php p($key)?>"><?php p($text) ?></label><br/>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<h4><?php p($l->t('Signatures and encryption required')) ?></h4>
<?php foreach ($_['security-required'] as $key => $text): ?>
<input type="checkbox" id="user-saml-<?php p($key)?>" name="<?php p($key)?>" value="<?php p($_['config']['security-'.$key] ?? '0') ?>" class="checkbox">
<label for="user-saml-<?php p($key)?>"><?php p($text) ?></label>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<h4><?php p($l->t('General')) ?></h4>
<?php foreach ($_['security-general'] as $key => $attribute): ?>
<?php if (is_array($attribute) && $attribute['type'] === 'line') { ?>
<?php $text = $attribute['text'] ?>
<label><?php p($attribute['text']) ?></label><br />
<input data-key="<?php p($key)?>" name="<?php p($key) ?>" value="<?php p($_['config']['security-'.$key] ?? '') ?>" type="text" <?php if (isset($attribute['required']) && $attribute['required'] === true): ?>class="required"<?php endif;?> placeholder=""/>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php $text = $attribute ?>
<input type="checkbox" id="user-saml-<?php p($key)?>" name="<?php p($key)?>" value="<?php p($_['config']['security-'.$key] ?? '0') ?>" class="checkbox">
<label for="user-saml-<?php p($key)?>"><?php p($text) ?></label><br/>
<?php } ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<a id="get-metadata" data-base="<?php p(\OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkToRoute('user_saml.SAML.getMetadata')); ?>"
href="<?php p(\OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkToRoute('user_saml.SAML.getMetadata', ['idp' => $_['providers'][0]['id']])) ?>" class="button">
<?php p($l->t('Download metadata XML')) ?>
<button id="user-saml-reset-settings"><?php p($l->t('Reset settings')) ?></button>
<span class="warning hidden" id="user-saml-settings-incomplete"><?php p($l->t('Metadata invalid')) ?></span>
<span class="success hidden" id="user-saml-settings-complete"><?php p($l->t('Metadata valid')) ?></span>