admin page, initial release

This commit is contained in:
Harald Milz 2019-03-27 18:12:22 +01:00
parent 69ad3ba19b
commit a6e3a77402

View file

@ -1,20 +1,117 @@
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'No script kiddies please!' );
* Display the admin table
* may go to a separate file eventually
* @since 0.1.0
function gcal_import_admin()
function gcal_import_admin() {
global $wpdb;
if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
wp_die( __( 'You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.' ) );
<div class="wrap">
<h1><?= esc_html(get_admin_page_title()); ?></h1>
<h3>Terminkategorien und ICS-Feeds</h3>
<p><b>Bitte hier die zu den Terminkategorien gehörigen Feeds eintragen (copy & paste!).</b></p>
<p><b>Wenn zu einer Kategorie kein Feed gehört, einfach leer lassen.</b></p>
<p><b>Feeds lassen sich jederzeit aktivieren oder deaktivieren, ohne andere Einstellungen zu ändern.</b></p>
<form action="gcal_import_opts_action.php" method="post">
<table border=0>
<tr align=left> <th>Terminkategorie</th> <th>ICS-Feed https://...</th> <th>Aktiv</th> </tr>
// TODO: Plausibilitätscheck, wenn link leer, dann inaktiv! Kann auf der Empfängerseite passieren.
$term_ids = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT term_id FROM wp_term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = 'termine_type'" );
foreach ( $term_ids as $tax ) {
$names = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT name FROM wp_terms WHERE term_id = $tax->term_id ORDER BY name ASC" );
foreach ( $names as $term ) {
$table = $wpdb->prefix.GCAL_TABLE;
$r = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT gcal_link, gcal_active FROM $table WHERE gcal_category = '$term->name'", ARRAY_A );
$link = $r[0]['gcal_link'];
$checked = ( $r[0]['gcal_active'] == '1' ? 'checked' : '' );
echo "<tr> ";
echo "<td> <b>$term->name</b> </td> ";
echo "<td> <input type=\"text\" value=\"$link\" size=\"80\" maxlength=\"256\" name=\"$term->name\" placeholder=\"z.B.\" > </td> ";
echo "<td> <input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"active\" name=\"\" $checked > </td> ";
echo "</tr>" . PHP_EOL;
// we MUST protect queries,
// see
// $sql = $wpdb->prepare( 'INSERT INTO $table ... ' , value_parameter[, value_parameter ... ] );
<!-- now the options -->
<h3>Timing und Geocoding</h3>
<table border=0>
<!-- <tr> <th>Option</th> <th>Einstellung</th> </tr> -->
$interval = get_option( '_gcal_interval' );
echo "<tr> <td><b>Zeitintervall</b></td> <td> <input type=\"text\" id=\"TODO\" value=\"$interval\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" name=\"interval\"> Minuten</td> </tr>";
$geocoding = get_option( '_gcal_geocoding' );
$apikey = get_option( '_gcal_apikey' );
// TODO: die Eingabe Api Key bei Geocoding Google official muss validiert werden! -> Empfängerseite.
echo "<tr> <td><b>Geocoding</b></td> <td> ";
$options = array(
'option' => 'off',
'name' => 'deaktiviert',
'option' => 'official',
'name' => 'Google official',
'option' => 'inofficial',
'name' => 'Google inofficial',
'option' => 'osm',
'name' => 'OpenStreetMap (in Entwicklung)',
foreach ( $options as $option ) {
$checked = ( $geocoding == $option['option'] ? 'checked' : '' );
$opt = $option['option'];
$name = $option['name'];
echo "<div>" . PHP_EOL;
echo "<input type=\"radio\" id=\"$opt\" value=\"$opt\" name=\"geocoding\" $checked >";
echo "<label for=\"$opt\">$name</label>";
// apikey text area
if ( 'official' == $opt ) {
echo "<label>; in dem Fall ist ein API Key erforderlich:</label> <input type=\"text\" name=\"apikey\" value=\"$apikey\" size=\"40\" > </label>";
echo "</div>" . PHP_EOL;
echo "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
echo "</table>" . PHP_EOL;
wp_nonce_field( 'gcal_import_opts', 'gcal_import_nonce' );
<input type="submit" value="Speichern">
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'gcal_plugin_menu' );
function gcal_plugin_menu() {
add_options_page( 'GCal Importer Options', 'GCal Importer', 'manage_options', 'kal3000-gcal-import', 'gcal_import_admin' );