2 Backend API Dokumentation
Pit-Storm edited this page 2019-09-09 19:12:58 +02:00

API Dokumentation


GET /kandidaten: Get all candidates

POST /kandidaten/?key="value": Create a new candidate

GET /kandidaten/?id=<id>: Get the candidate with the id <id>.

PUT /kandidaten/?id=<id>&key="value": Alter information of the candidate with id <id>.


GET /kategorien: Get all question categories.

POST /kategorien/?name="<string>": Create a new question category.

GET /kategorien/?id=<id>: Get the category with id <id>.

PUT /kategorien/?id=<id>&name="<string>": Alter name of category with id <id> to .


GET /fragen: Get all questions.

POST /fragen/?key="value": Create a new question.

GET /fragen/?id=<id>: Get the question with the id <id>.

GET /fragen/?kat_id=<id>: Get all questions of category with ''.

PUT /fragen/?id=<id>&key="value": Alter information of the question with id <id>.


GET /antworten/: Get all answers.

GET /antworten/?id=<id>: Get answer with id <id>.

PUT /antworten/?id=<id>: Alter the answer to question with id <id>.

POST /antworten/?kand_id=<id>&key="value": Create a new answer for candidate with id <id> and key, value pair.

GET /antworten/?kand_id=<id>: Get all answers of candidate with the id <id>.